Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Everything's Gonna Be All White

This is in no way meant to be an insult to all of the Fine Fair Minded White American Citizens who have fought along side People of Color, People of Different Sexual Orientations, People with Different Religious Backgrounds, Economic, Social Standing and all other Identifiers that America's Heart and Soul uses to determine who is a Decent Human Being and who is not.

I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for fighting for Freedom, Justice & Equality for all people in this country and on this planet; (and this includes many of the Fine Men & Woman in blue who are Decent Human Beings who actually put on their uniforms everyday, and put their lives on the line to actually "Protect & Serve" the citizens in the neighborhoods where they work.

Thank you as well.

And while we are at this point in this conversation, I just want to ask that all of the people that I mentioned above and all People of Color who might read this to absolutely and Unapologetically Fight against the National Fraternal Order of Police's request of Donald Trump to Promote, Support and Legalize Racial Profiling-again!

The FOP Wants Trump To Give Them The Legal Right To Practice Racism-Again!

I'm sure that if you are White, and a White Guy commits a crime against you or your loved ones, (if your a decent human being), I'm sure you want that White Guy to be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This works for Black people or any other kind of people who have had a crime committed against them or their loved ones.

I'm sure you wouldn't want the police to waste their time chasing after the wrong people because of the color of their skin or some other identifying characteristic, that would not help solve the crime.

It has already been proven Scientifically, that "Stop & Frisk" and "Racial Profiling" causes the loss of valuable time and resources because their wasted on certain people in certain neighborhoods just because of the Racial Biases of certain police officers.

This cannot be left to the discretion of the Police Officers themselves.

There has to continue to be National Laws to protect the rights of all citizens who come into contact with Law Enforcement Officers.

So anyway! This request needs to be put to death immediately with the help of all Fair Minded American Citizens from everywhere and every walk of life.

The purpose of this entire message was just to remind; (especially Black People and other People of Color that), "Everything's Gonna Be All White" now, and to remind them to not confuse that with "Everything's Gonna Be Alright".

And to act accordingly in all matters that pertain to our Health, Safety, Economic Security and in fact, our very lives.

Remain Vigilant and Proactive with the Political Environment that is about to be forced upon us, keeping in mind, that this is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

Because like Donald Trump asked: "What the hell do you have to lose"?



It is my sincere hope and prayer that Justice will be done on behalf of The American People before January 20, 2017 as a result of Trump's Disqualification for the Office of President of the United States of America, or shortly thereafter as a result of his Impeachment and Removal from office.

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