Sunday, December 18, 2016

Election Day Is Today..........If You Think Trump Is Not Fit For The Presidency.

Then let the voters know how you feel and what outcome you would like to see.

Red is the color that is standard in America for indicating "Danger".

The United States Electoral College

In view of all the Lies, Corruption, Sex Scandals, Fraud Lawsuits, Conflicts of Interests in Business, Refusing to Release His Tax Returns,(the first time a Presidential Candidate has refused to do this in over 40 years), Potential Ties to Russia and other Hostile Foreign Nations, Trying to Force his Standards and Warped Values on the Presidency of the United States of America, Creating Fake News For His Followers, Stacking His Cabinet with Selfish, Hateful, Lying, Greedy Racists, (that mirror him), Defending Russia Against America's Entire Intelligence Apparatus, and just so many other Questionable and Treasonous Violations that the Citizenry, U.S. Government Officials, (especially Republicans), and the Media seem to be either downplaying or not playing at all.

All of these Potentially Dangerous and Deadly Violations of Presidential Protocol should receive at least half as much attention as the Attacks on Benghazi, (which was a Warzone with circumstances and situations that are extremely hard to control); if at all. And Hillary Clinton's Emails which FBI Director, James Comey rehatched to throw the election the Republican's way.

And I am still waiting for him to be called up to Capitol Hill for a complete investigation into his unorthodox and potentially illegal actions a week prior to a Presidential Election.

Both of these scandals were played on an Endless Loop 24 hours a day 7 days a week before, during and even after the election.

And now these same entities that did all of these things to sway the election in favor of a man who only wants to be president to create laws and polices that allow him and his rich cronies to get even richer at the expense of, and to the Detriment of the American People are now relatively silent compared to when there were Hillary Clinton Scandals to be had.

Listen Please!

Alexander Hamilton wrote that the Constitution was designed to be certain "that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications." to be President. So their job is to actually prevent a Trump Presidency. But since these are Republicans, they will not side with the American People unless an Unprecedented Amount of Pressure is forced upon them by the American People, and the corruption that exists with Donald Trump and his cohorts is exposed to the public on a massive scale.

So please sign the petition, make phone calls and protest the Invalid Fixed Election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, if you want to keep America as a country that is here for the many instead of just the few Rich People that he is trying to sell it to for his own Personal Enrichment.

Please sign here!

And Visit Moveon.Org to stay Informed.

Thank you,


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