Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Donald: The Presidency And The United States Of America Are Institutions-You Are Not!

The Presidency of the United States of America

Seal of the President of the United States

List of Presidents

First of all, "Good Leaders", do not deliberately go around the country and the world destroying important relationships that are necessary for the safety and security of the nation.

Good Leaders constantly establish, (not destroy),good working relationships with officials, leaders, authorities, business people and just regular citizens of the United States for the benefit of the country as a whole.

They don't get off on pissing people off for the sake of pissing people off.

That is Stupid and Dangerous.

Next: A president does not sing the praises of dictators from foreign countries that have been historically known to be an Enemy of the United States of America like Russia; and defend them against their own Government's Intelligence Community about important issues of National Security such as the hacking of the 2016 election.

I have never seen a President of the United States side with Russia against 17 different National Security Agencies.

Neither have I seen a Presidential Candidate actually make a request of a nation that is considered to be a Hostile Nation to the US, to hack into their political opponent's emails and other personal data to enhance his chances of winning.

This sounds like a Treasonous Act to me. And I don't understand why all of this Bullshit is being allowed by Congress, the other Branches of our Government and the Media who is not highlighting all of these Impeachable Offenses and replaying them in endless loops like they did against Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and her emails.

You lied about wanting to build up our Piss Poor Military,(which is another one of your blatant, bold face lies), but now you are talking about not purchasing anymore F-35 Fighter Jets and not upgrading Air Force One, (which is the aircraft that carries the leader of the Free World).

Personally, I really don't care if you fly around the world in a crop dusting airplane with none of the safety and security features of Air Force One. However, I prefer that the next time that we have a real president; that he or she be fully equipped and protected with the best and the most up to date safety and security features to keep him or her safe so they can continue to effectively lead our country.

You don't want to be bothered with Daily Security Briefings from the very Security Personnel who are responsible for protecting our country.

You also lied to, and convinced millions of unsuspecting, uninformed and uncaring Americans that you were "The Hero for Change for the Working Class", and that you hated Goldman Sachs, Wall Street and Corporate America as your enemies because they were the enemies of "Working Class Americans". But you are appointing people to your cabinet who are Wall Street and Corporate Executives for positions that are Diametrically Opposed to their beliefs, practices and behaviours in their public sector roles; including an executive from Exxon, who stands to earn billions of extra dollars when you lift our Government's Sanctions against Russia. Not to mention that Exxon is notorious for its repeated Environmental Violations.

But I guess that won't matter when you shut down the EPA.

You just settled a Fraud Lawsuit for a Fake Ass University that beared your name.

You refuse to release your tax returns so that the American People can really know who you are doing business with and why.

You cancelled your meeting this week that was supposed to reassure the American People that their interests are going to be a priority over your business interests.

You are stacking the decks of your cabinet against the American People with Pathological Liars, (starting with yourself); Traitors, Racists, Misogynists, Thugs, Crooks, Crooked Millionaires, Crooked Billionaires and everyone else who is in no way advantageous to Regular Working class Americans and who definitely dont give a damn about poor disadvantaged white people or poor disadvantaged people of color or Criminal Justice or Far Too Frequent Incidents of Police Brutality.

As a matter of fact, you and many of the people that you are adding to your cabinet actually encourage this Murderous Behaviour by the Blue Klux Klan.

They don't give a damn about our environment and its preservation for future generations, the economics of Average American Citizens and the list just goes on and on.

And last but certainly not least, (at one heart beat away from the presidency), you have a Fake Ass Christian who has violated every Scriptural Christian Principal in his Non Scriptural Forgiveness of Donald Trump's Forgiveness sins and in defense of his Transgressions and Lies. He lies boldly before GOD and the American People to protect Trump, so that he can protect his job, and his place in line as the next president of the United States of America, so that he can Unconstitutionally attempt to force his entire belief system upon everybody in America.

Mike Pence has placed Donald J. Trump and his Hateful, Racist, Greedy and Evil Agenda in front of, before and above his Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.


Because he, like so many White Evangelicals who voted for Donald Trump are the same kind of Christians that the Klu Klux Klan was and still proclaims to be - hiding their Racism behind the Bible.

Now this is America. So, we've always had some form or another of all the negative elements that you are currently attempting to bring to the US Government with your Invalid Presidency.

However, your total disregard and disrespect for the Institution of the United States of America, the Military, our Security Apparatus and the Office of the Presidency is unprecedented and dangerous. And if you are allowed to continue these violations of the US Constitution; you will certainly destroy this country and millions of innocent lives with it.

Donald, the only thing that is obvious to anyone with Common Sense and an Average Level of Intelligence is the fact that, you are heading into the Presidency to rip off the American People while enhancing and enriching your own personal wealth to the detriment of this Institution.

You will sell out America for a Profit, just like you sold out so many of the people who voted for you and those who helped you make it to where you are today.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like any of the people who helped you get where you are, because I honestly don't believe that you are qualified to be there.

I just say that to say this: your betrayal of these people who helped you during the primaries will soon become your betrayal of The American Government, and as a result; The American People.

The fact that so many Powerful Institutions, Government Agencies and the Media are not displaying Consistent, Enormous Public Outrage about these Acts of Treason of Donald J. Trump has created a Twilight Zone type of experience in America that is Dangerous, Deplorable and Frightening.

It is so disturbing to me to know that there is so much Residual HATE left in America that the Black Guy who was Well Qualified to be President, and who also had a genuine love for this country and its people was brutally attacked by the very same institutions that are now remaining relatively silent now as Donald Trump continues to make plans to sell America piece by piece to the highest bidders for his own personal financial gains.

War, Hatred, Racism, Greed, Sexism, Income Inequality, Lack of Concern for the Poor, the Working Poor, the Disabled and those who have no voice or representation has always been a problem in America. But there has also been a Counterbalance System of Checks and Balances that did not allow these Negative Elements to swing to, and remain at, the Catastrophic Levels that you seem to be leading this country into.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that Justice will be done on behalf of The American People before January 20, 2017 as a result of your Disqualification for the Office of President of the United States of America, or shortly thereafter as a result of your Impeachment.

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