Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Vindictive 5 Year Old With The Nuclear Codes?

I don't want to fail to acknowledge all of the outrage and the public cries to have Donald Trump Disqualified as the 45th. President of the United States of America.

I am very glad to see artist refusing to perform for his inauguration, individual members of groups refusing to perform and even giving up their positions in those groups as a matter of conscious. I also love the fact that the only people that he can get to perform for his inauguration are C, D, and F Listers.

I am also very glad that Rev Al Sharpton, Michael Moore and millions of woman are planning protest and marches before, during and after the inauguration.

What I am saying is all of these things are well and good.

But in view of the fact that we are about to have a Vindictive 5 Year Old in control of our Military, our Economy, our Healthcare and the Nuclear Codes;(in other words, our lives), I think that we all need to participate in the destruction of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump with as much intensity and disgust as the Republicans tried to do to President Obama with Hatred, Greed, Lies, Betrayal of Country and Congress not doing the jobs that they are paid $70,000+ per year to do just to destroy President Obama's Administration and his Legacy.

I think we need to be louder, prouder and just as vicious as Republicans were and still are-and even more so now that they have a leader who shares their Hatred, Greed, Ignorance, Racist and Sexists values.

The sign of a good leader is their ability to reach out and make connections and establish working relationships with other leaders for the purpose of getting things done, and protecting the country from War, Economic Crashes and Mass Health Crises.

But not an asshole who spends every waking moment of his existence deliberately making enemies and starting fights with people that a leader who is focused on the health, safety and prosperity of this country should not even have time for.

My biggest concern is that this Idiot who I feel was elected by Idiots, is going to be too busy tweeting nasty tweets to celebrities and the news media that all presidents need to get their messaged across the country and around the world, to protect and grow this country.

So all I am saying is everybody please keep doing what you're doing without fail, and then turn the volume and intensity up on it all.

One more thing, I would really like for all thoses who have the power and resources to make this Freedom Concert a realty on Inauguration Day to counter the ratings of the Inauguration do so ASAP.

Let's make the Inauguration of President Trump the most disruptive and the lowest rated Inauguration in Presidential History.

Send a message loud and clear to him, his cabinet and his Cult Supporters that there is no place in America for their kind.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that Justice will be done on behalf of The American People before January 20, 2017 as a result of his Disqualification for the Office of President of the United States of America, or shortly thereafter as a result of his Impeachment and removal from office.

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