Saturday, December 10, 2016

Are We Really Asking The Master Of Fake News,(Trump),To Speak Up Against Fake News?

ON Sunday in WASHINGTON — Edgar M. Welch 28, drove six hours from Salisbury, NC because he wanted to break up an illegal child sex slave ring run by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

He showed up at a pizza parlor and began shooting with an AR-15 Assault Weapon. Fortunately, police were able to arrest this man, (who was white), without anyone including the gunman armed with an AR-15 Assault Rifle, (in a non-open carry state).

Isn't it amazing that in America, a White Man Armed With An AR-15 Assault Rifle who shot that rifle in a public place of business miraculously was taken safely into custody without a scratch, while so many Black Men, Woman and Children who already had their hands up. Or who had already been disarmed and or rendered helpless, or who didn't even have a weapon in the first damn place wind up dead?

I have actually watched Policeman Handcuff Dead Black People in videos on National TV.

There's no one Black or White in America who can tell me that this is just coincidence.

Anyway! This 28-year-old father of two read one of many Fake News Stories online posted by Righwing Extremists that stated that this pizza restaurant in northwest Washington was harboring young children as sex slaves, and that Hillary Clinton was the boss.

These Fake News Articles appeared on sites including Facebook, Twitter and many others.

Now I don't have enough time and space right here to list all of the Fake News Articles that the Rightwing Hate Machine has been placing online since 2008 with ever increasingly frequency and absurdity. But if you have been paying attention during this period of time, you will see that this is a very dangerous practice, and yes! just like acorn was destroyed by fake news stories like this from the Right, they also almost caused serious injuries and death to innocent people at a pizza restaurant in Washington, DC this week.

Here's one of my favorites:

You will find many variations on this theme that appears to use slick video editing along with misleading commentary to make Hillary appear to be too sick to be president.

They used to have one that was supposed to be verified by an Anesthesiologist, (which I have no idea of how that relates to Neurology), but when I saw it, I tried to locate this doctor in anybody's medical registry and could not. And now since the election is over, I cannot find that video.

So even though the people who post these Fake News Stories Online and in other places may consider them to be "Little Harmless White Lies".

It is becoming more and more apparent with the escalation of attacks against African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims and other Minorities in this country since the Selection of Donald Trump as President to be; that his Hateful, Racist Rhetoric along with the Hateful Racist Rhetoric coming from his supporters and his Comrades are what is driving this violence.

Here's an example of the story that inspired Edgar M. Welch on Sunday.

Use your knowledge of history, your own personal experiences in life, your knowledge of White Supremacy, Racism, Discrimination, Jim Crow and whatever other data you have stored in your brain to decide for yourself rather you believe these stories are real or fake.

Next question:

Do you actually believe that the Creator of the biggest Fake News Story in politics ever, should be the go to person to speak up and out against Fake News Stories?

Donald Trump's Birtherism Tweets

Donald Trump's List of Lies

Listed by Pulitzer Prize Winning Politifact.

This award does mean something in Journalism.

So my question to the Media and America in general is why in the hell are all of you acting like Donald Trump is the Standard Bearer For Truth after all of the Damn lies that he has told and continues to tell the American People?

Does "Alt Right" suddenly mean "Alt Universe"?

It appears that we are headed right over a cliff with this bullshit.

If you are not willing to go along for the ride, make sure you join me and others in putting an end to this Bullshit before its too late.

And not to be outdone by the "Alt Right" Fake News Apparatus, let me leave just leave you with the biggest fake news story of 2016:

Donald Trump is perfectly fit and qualified to safely lead the United States of America as President.

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