Monday, November 21, 2016

What Is The Trump Administration's End Game?

All you really need to know is that it will not benefit You, Your Family, Your Community or This Country, (if you feel Disenfranchised), and don't feel like you are a part of this country like so many of us do. Or, "Your Country", if you feel like you don't fit into the category of being Disenfranchised. If you are a Minority, a Poor Person, an Immigrant or a woman or any other classification of Human Being that is different from him and his Merry Band of Racists, Con Men, Thugs, Rapists, Serial Adulterers, Murderers, Thieves, Religious Hypocrites and Zealots hiding behind the Bible and Fake Ass Patriots hiding behind the U.S. Flag; then their agenda will not be of benefit to you.

Even if you are just an Average American White Citizen that "Speaks Truth To Power", by launching Public Protests against all of the many injustices that we have been witnessing for over 400 years, the last 8 years and in America now; then their agenda will attempt to destroy you as well.

But I won't leave you hanging with just that.

So, I will tell you and show you exactly what the "Alt Right", (which is a term that White Racists and Nationalists and now the Mainstream Media) have created, to fake America out about just how Racist, Hateful, Greedy and Evil Donald Trump and his God Damned Entire Cabinet is now and will be in the future if we continue to allow him to assemble it without our Fierce Opposition).

So what are these Degenerates up to that will affect or destroy the lives of all of the people that I listed above?

He already told you over and over for the past 18 months what he wants to do:

"Make America Great Again".


By making this Normal In America Again!

And if we don't Actively become involved in the fight to protect ourselves and our families from them, they will.

Keep in mind, that millions of our Ancestors and Fore Parents could not defend themselves against this before, but they still managed to survive which is why we have survived.

Please don't let them ever infiltrate our minds with the idea that we still can't defend ourselves.

But one thing that will keep us from doing this is if we allow ourselves to be divided and start fighting amongst ourselves.

And when I say "US", I mean every Fair Minded, Decent, Caring and Considerate Human Being in this country including all People of Color who normally don't get along with each other. And Yes! White People who see the danger for the country as a whole if all of us don't Unite to Protect Each Other.

Always Remember that it is not about "Black & White".

Its about "Wrong & Right"

Stick Together Yawl!


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