Tuesday, November 8, 2016

False Equivalencies About This Election........Don't Buy It!

Okay! I've had enough........

There are too many damn people running around talking about this election and the Mean, Hateful, Belligerent, Racial, Ethnic, Sexual and Religious overtones that the American People have been subjected to every since this election began over a year ago.

Donald Trump Supporters, Donald Trump, (which is really Hilarious, Ironic and Extremely Hypocritical). Hillary Supporters, The Media and even Hillary Clinton herself.

And sadly, "The Media" is just making Blanket Statements that implicate both candidates as if both candidates are equally guilty.

In the interest of Full Disclosure, I am not Anti Media like so many of the Politicians and others who claim to be; yet they are always on TV and Radio talking about how Unfair, Corrupt, Untruthful and Ugly "The Media" is in their coverage.

But these same people are always in front of the Camera or the Mic growing their Political Careers on the backs of "The Media".

Isn't that an obvious form of Hypocrisy?

The Hatred, Racism, Misogyny, Religious Intolerance, Inciting Violence and telling people to go into Black Community's and other communities where People of Color live and to "Watch", (Commit Violence), against the inhabitants of these communities, if, (In There Opinion), they see Voting Irregularities.

I am sick and tired of hearing this Bullshit, (as if the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton have been saying and doing these things), like the Trump Campaign has been doing, since day one, and that they are continuing to do on Election Day.

Now I understand why Trumpites would try to sell these Lies and False Equivalencies to the American People. Because that is what these Cult Followers have learned from their Cult Leader since day one. And this is something that he, his followers and his Surrogates have been indulging in every since day one.

So why are Rational, Adult Human Beings buying into this Informational Virus and spreading it further than it already has been spread by Trump, his Surrogates and Supporters?

Its because "The Media" is and has been inaccurately reporting that lie in this way since day one.

And as you know, when people hear a lie repeatedly, their minds naturally begin to believe that its true.

So, let me set the record straight for those who may be confused by these attacks on Unsuspecting Human Minds by Donald Trump, Trumpites and his Surrogates.

Here's the facts: There are always outliers who do things that are uncharacteristic of the group or organization that they are a part of-But that is not the group or organization who is committing these Heinous Acts.

So, to be clear. I cannot say it any better than the young lady who spoke up and out last night in Philadelphia, when Hillary Clinton was apologizing for the negative tone of the election; when she hollered out: "Its Not Your Fault".

That's the truth.

Hillary Clinton wanted to run a Fact and Policies Oriented Campaign.

But since Donald Trump did not have any Facts or Policies, he remained in Attack Mode, which forced Hillary Clinton to defend herself.

It is Unrealistic and against Human Nature to be under attack and to not defend one's self.

So she had to spend a lot of time on defense.

It's not Hillary's Fault, and it is not the Democratic Party's fault.

Have you ever heard Hillary or Democrats tell their audiences "I'd like to punch them in the face".or, "In the old days, they would be taken out on a stretcher"?

Have you ever heard Hillary or Democrats tell their audiences to "Don't just vote". "Go out and watch in certain Neighborhoods". "You know what I'm talking about"? Have you ever heard Hillary or Democrats being barred from Pole Watching for many years because of their Organized Voter Suppression Efforts?

Has the Democratic Party ever been barred from Pole Watching for 30 years because of Voter Intimidation/

No! That's a Republican thing.

Republicans Charged With Voter Intimidation


Because when you don't have enough people who follow your Party because of its Political Ideology that is full of Racism, Sexism, Classism, Inequality and Hatred of everyone who does not live up to the High Standards that they think they uphold-Then you have to Cheat to win.

Why in the hell would anybody in their right mind support anything that does not guarantee them a victory?

I am sick and tired of these False Equivalencies that have become an Information Virus that confuses and takes people's eyes off of the truth; so that they cannot make informed decisions that affect their lives.

And as I write this, I just want to warn you of the fact that, Trump and his supporters are never going to concede this election if they lose.

They are already Filing a Lawsuit against the State of Nevada for "Voting Irregularities", which they have a right to do.

However, they are not doing this because they actually think that they are being treated unfairly. Its because they have already warned you America that no matter what the outcome of this election is; if it doesn't result in a victory for Donald Trump, it is a "Rigged Election" which means they are going to tie up the entire system with Confusion, Obstruction and Lies.

Which is another Republican Thing.

Just look at the past 8 years.

And another False Equivalency that I am sick and tired of is the one that tries to blame President Obama for being Black

Because The Senate and the House actually stopped working when the First African American President took office 8 years ago and have become known as the "Do Nothing Congress" for a reason.

Here's the Facts: President Obama did as much as he could do for this country without Assistance and Cooperation from Congress.

And the reason why they stopped working while earning $170.000/year for doing nothing was because they wanted to Undermine and Sabotage the efforts of the First African American President to make America a better place for all concerned.

Put simply! They would rather see this country and everyone in it destroyed rather than giving a Black Man and now a White Woman credit for saving it.

Now that's Pure Evil.

But they failed at making President Obama a One Term President.

He has been quite successful in spite of Republican Efforts to make him fail.

And now Republicans, (including Donald J. Trump), want to do the same thing to Hillary Clinton because of her connection to the First African American President, and the fact that she is a woman. And just like they hate the idea of a Black President, they also hate the idea of a Woman President; especially one who has a deep connection with the First African American President.

So my question to you is: Are we as Americans going to allow these Hateful, Greedy and Corrupt Individuals in the Republican Party to Hijack our Democratic System of Government?

I guess we'll find out tonight or early in the morning.

My answer personally is: Hell No!

But I alone cannot prevent them from doing this.

I am not Donald Trump.

So I alone cannot do a damn thing to make this country a better place for all.

We have to Unite as a country to get the job done and get back to "Doing The People's Business"; instead of allowing Republicans and other brands of Conservatives to do their own business without any respect and concern for the people of this country.

What's it going to be?

I anxiously await your answer at the conclusion of this election with Enthusiasm, Concern for people other than just myself, and Hope for a Brighter Future together.

Vote Out The Hate Vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, by voting for Hillary Clinton for President and for all Democratic Down Ballot Candidates.


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