Saturday, November 12, 2016

Thank You Baltimore For Speaking Up & Out!

Thanks Baltimore for making your voices in opposition to a Lying Ass Racist Bastard who is not fit to be President of the United State of America, and for protecting all that we have been trying to achieve together that is Honest, Good and True for 240 years now.

I am so proud of my hometown right now, and I just wanted yawl to know.

To all the people who have taken to the streets, thank you for using your health, strength and youth to make it clear that this thug is not worthy of the Whitehouse.

To those who may not be fit, strong or healthy enough to take to the streets, find out what you can do with your abilities, talents, skills and experience to protest the election of the least qualified,most uneducated, dangerous and Hateful Racist ever.

Republicans know that Trump will most likely wind up being impeached before the end of his term because of all the skeletons in his closet. So their play is to slip Mike Pence in the position of president after that happens.

FYI: Mike Pence is also not fit to be President of the United States, because of his False, Hypocritical So Called Evangelical Views that he is not content to keep to himself, but he wishes to violate the First Amendment to the Constitutional that demands the Separation of Church & State by forcing his personal beliefs on the entire planet.

He too is dangerous and should be kept out of the Oval Office.

Keep up the good works.

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