Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So! I Am Assuming That Political Correctness In America Is Dead?

First of all, I just want to say that I think "Political Correctness" should not be a word used as a substitute for Blatant Disrespect of other people.

But it appears that America has decided to take its Disregard and Disrespect for others to a new level with its decision yesterday to put one of the most Disrespectful, Ignorant and Dangerous Presidential Candidates into the Whitehouse in history.

So since Excessive Disrespect is now the norm for America-I've got something to say.

If I am wrong about Donald Trump, I will be the first to admit it. I will also be the first to admit that I would be very glad for my sake, and for the sake of the country as whole, if I was wrong about Trump.

However, I am not there yet.

Donald Trump is a Racist, Sexist, Ignorant, Dumb Ass Son of a Bitch who I don't trust now and will never trust as long as I live.

If it were not for the fact that he was born to wealthy parents who did everything, covered everything and bought everything for him-his intelligence level without that cushion, would have taken him no further in life than being a Crackhead on a park bench in New York City, just like many other poor uneducated people who don't have the benefit and protection of wealthy parents.

Now I don't envy him because of his privileged start in life. I just hate the fact that he never uses his position in life to help others who are less fortunate than him.

He only gives a damn about himself.

And since this is America, he is not obligated to share his wealth or to help anyone if he does not want to.

And since this is America, I have the fucking right to have an opinion about it.

And as far as the people who helped lift him up to the level where he is today are concerned; here's the truth about these people:

These people are not mad because their jobs have been taken away or because their incomes have not increased over the years.

These people are Racists and White Supremacist who first of all, have had a stick up their asses every since the First African American President was successfully elected in 2008 and 2012.

They also don't like the fact that just their White Skin is no longer enough. And they are extremely mad now because they have to compete for wealth, power and jobs with people of color. They want to "Make America Great Again", by going back to the times when their White Skin Color was the only ticket to success that they needed.

Now there's not enough time or space for me to go any further in depth about these people, so let me sum it up as quickly as I can.

These people are White Racists, White Nationalists, Nazis, Skin Heads, Aryan Brothers and Sisters, Klu Klux Klan Members, Poor Uneducated Angry White People and just an assortment of very shady people who are Selfish, Hateful, Greedy and Untrustworthy, who don't give a Fuck about anybody who is not like them.

Obviously in all fairness to the White Race-not all White People fit into the mold that I mentioned above. As a matter of fact, I am listening to one now as I am writing this who definitely sees the impractical and dangerous nature of a Trump Presidency for everyone.

So I don't want people to believe that I hate all white people, because I don't. But I want to make it clear that I do hate white people who hate me and who want to hurt me.

But don't be offended by that white people, because this applies to Black People as well. Or, any God Dammed body else who is trying to hurt me.

And what about the handful of Black People who supported Trump?

Well! They are either people who were compensated quite handsomely to deceive the African American Community into supporting Trump, (which failed). Or, they are just Uncle Toms who are filled with Self-Hatred, and who are comfortable with the idea of White People's Supremacy and their own Black Inferiority, who also feel like they need White People to guide and direct them in everything they do, because they cannot be responsible for themselves.

Similar to when the Slaves were finally Free and then they wondered, "What do we do now?". So to be clear; from the time that my eyes were opened to "The Ugly Truth" about America and its Total Disrespect and Total Disregard for Black Lives, I have been able to shake off the Indoctrination of the U.S. Public School System that instills Blind Loyalty and a False Sense of Security of being important to America.

That's Bullshit!

So now we have a Republican President with a Republican Congress, which most likely means that Immigrants need to start ducking and hiding, 20 million people will lose their health insurance which will result in the death of some of them and no fucking body cares. And the First African American President's Legacy will definitely be attacked and potentially destroyed; which is something that Republicans and other Conservative Brands have been trying to do every since President Obama was elected.

But as far as that Legacy thing is concerned, it is up to all of us who voted for and supported President Obama's Progressive Agenda for the past 8 years of all races, colors, income levels and from all walks of life, to see to it that these Hateful, Racists, Greedy, Lying Ass Bastards do not destroy it.

I hope I can count on yawl to do that.

So in closing, I just want to say that Donald Trump and his family are just a bunch of Dumb Ass White People who were just blessed to have White Skin and to be born in or married into a family that had wealth.

And just because he reads some fucking Politically Correct words that his campaign had to breath into his mouth like a fucking ventriloquists dummy doesn't change a thing for me, in view of all the hateful, racist, divisive things that he has said and done over the past 40 years; including an unjustified attack against my President.

So No! I do not congratulate President Elect Trump. But then again, I don't funking have to, because that would be Politically Correct. And with the selection of this Fucking Asshole to be President, Political Correctness is deader now then it has ever been before in America.

And furthermore, unless and until he shows me someone different than the person that he has been showing himself to be over the past 40 years, he is nothing more to me than a Fucking White Racist, Cosmopolitan New Yorker Billionare, Conman, Fraud who successfully scammed the majority of voters in this country, to their detriment I hope.

America, you fucking elected a Rapist to the White House.

Wow! what a great way to enhance the history of the United States of America.

But I guess with America, Rape is nothing new.

Now I know President Obama does believe in respect for others, the Constitution and the Law. And I know he won't do it. But I think that since everyone is so excited about this election being unlike any other, and that everybody is so fucking hyped up on Disrespect for People, Laws and Institutions; I think that President Obama should refuse to participate in the Inauguration of Donald Trump.

I think some fucking body else should do it, since he was not born here anyway, and since his presidency is not legitimate, then why the fuck should he welcome him into the Oval Office with open arms.

Don't forget that in the end, we always reap what we sow.

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