Monday, November 14, 2016

A Racist, A Super Racist And A Super Duper Racist In The Nation's Seat Of Power?

First of all let me just get this out of the way.

Racial Hatred is not a Partisan Commodity held by just one party.

Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have, and have had their share of Racial Hatred towards Minorities in this country,(especially Black People).

I say that because I hear White Racists trying to correct me on the history of the Democratic Party and its history of Racism;(like the Republican Party never had and does not have this problem).

Of course that's Bullshit.

To Be Clear; The Republican Establishment Has Been Racist For A Very Long Time

"The Party of Lincoln", as Republicans still inaccurately call the Republican Party was more open to Black People many, many, many years ago during and after the Civil War 1861-1865.

But the fact of the matter is that you couldn't find too many White People who didn't Hate Black People and who thought Slavery was okay at the time.

And what these "Party of Lincoln People" fail to mention is that the Great Abraham Lincoln was a Racist as well, who in all fairness developed a concious about the inhumanity and immorality of Slavery and set out to correct this Social Ill.

And he did Free The Slaves partly because he did feel that slavery was wrong; but mostly because he needed them to fight during the Civil War.

Now as far as Racism is concerned, The Republican Party has had longer to deal with the Racism within their party, because they were in existence way before the Democratic Party came on the scene. They were First Opposition Party formed in 1792, known as the Democratic Republican Party.

The Democratic Republican Party in 1792.

As a matter of fact, the Democratic Party was a spinoff of the Democratic Republican Party and was founded in 1828.

Now were there and are there still Racists in both parties?

Absolutely!-And anyone who says anything different should not be trusted because they are a dangerous liar. And if they will lie about this fact, they will damn sure lie about anything else.

So even though historically and currently, their is Racism in both parties-The Logical Question becomes: Which party has the most Racists and Racism in their party?

And Sexism, Classism, Misogyny, Hatred of Poor Black People, Hatred of People who don't own Million and Billion Dollar Companies and Corporations, Hatred of Poor People trying to get an education, Hatred of Immigrants, and other Members of Minorities, Gay People, Muslims, and the list just goes on and on and on; because none of us is exactly like somebody else.

You don't have to look much further than your TV to know that the answer is the Republican Party.

Just pay close attention to what is happening right now in our country and you will see without a doubt; that the entire country is being overrun by a Bunch of Hateful Racist who "Want their country back".

A country that their forefathers and mothers took from Native Americans as utilizing Deception, Betrayal, Rape, Murder and Fire, which is probably a tradition that was passed down to the New White Supremacists like the KKK.

And so, the Democrats became the party of True Unity and Progress for American of every race. And when the Democratic Party started giving a damn about people other than just White People, that is when the Racist of the Democratic Party couldn't stand all the talk about Equal Rights For All, Freedom, Justice Equality and all of the God Damned things that America is supposed to stand for, as it exist now only on paper.

Then these Democrats started to call themselves Dixiecrats, many of which became Republicans because they couldn't hold their little Small Minority together.

And the point that I am making is, don't let the term, "Establishment Republican", fool you into believing that these people are not the same people who Hate President Obama and most of the people that look like him, and especially those who can Think and Act for themselves without the direction of White People.

The terms they use include "Uppity", and "Not knowing one's place".

So what you see happening now in the White House is just a Natural Progression for The Republican Party> And if allowed,it will continue to swallow this country and everyone in it alive, if those of us who don't think like they do don't unite and stop them.

If There Is No Struggle, There Is No Progress, Frederick Douglass

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