Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tough Talk Won't Do Anything To Stop Terriorists

Because Tough Talk Is Just That-TALK

You can't completely eliminate evil all over the world all the time or stop all of the heinous acts that it compels people to do anyway. And anyone who tells you that they can is telling you a lie and is not fit to be President.

You can however, minimize it and bring retribution to those who commit these Acts of Terrorism.

President Obama took out Bin Laden without so much as a murmur.

As a matter of fact, he was at the Press Dinner telling jokes about people like Donald Trump while everything was being put into motion.

So Tough Ignorant, Uneducated and Stupid Hateful Talk just won't get the job done. Because it takes Strategy, Planning and Intellectual Prowess to protect this country and other countries around the world in conjunction with our allies and other members of the World Community.

Watch As Tough Man Donald Trump Makes Love To His Secret Service Agents While Holding On For Dear Life As A Protester Charges The Stage At His Rally.

Don't Hold Me Back!

Yeah! Let him go!.

I'll take care of him!.

Let him go!

As you can clearly see by this video-Tough Man Trump ain't so tough after all.

Minimizing Terrorist Attacks will require Communication, Cooperation, Effective Intelligence,(which Donald Trump does not have), and Strategic Planning with our allies around the world.

Because Tough Talk-Is Just Talk.

So please get registered today and then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.


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