Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook PT II

Just because you repeat the same lies over and over and over again - It does not make them true Republicans.

Part I

When we left off yesterday, we were talking about how the Professional Political Campaign Operatives collect a paycheck for deceiving Uninformed and Inexperienced Voters into making choices that not only do not meet their needs, but that actually convinces then to vote against their own best interests.

The Republican Party are masters of this craft.

They call it "The Big Lie".

This technique consist of repeating the same lie over and over until Misinformed Voters believe that it is true.

Example:How they kept saying over and over that "President Obama was not born in the US" and that "He is not a Christian but a Muslim instead", (as if the Muslim Faith is such a terrible thing).

Or, that "We are in the Greatest Depression since 1938", and also that "This is the Slowest Growth Rate that we've ever seen in our country's history".

Or this one, "The job creation under this president has been anemic".

Or how about this one: "President Obama is weak on Immigration".

And the latest Big Lie being touted by the always factual and truthful Donald J. Trump is that the Affordable Care Act, (Obama Care), is a failure because of the projected 25% increase premium costs for 2017; which are actually offset for approximately 89% of people by Government Subsidies that reduce these costs and make these premiums affordable to Average American and Low Income Citizens.

They are leaving out a lot of very important details about this program because it is politically expedient for them to do so with their Low Information Voters. And, they are also hiding the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and most recently the Prescription Drug Plan implemented by George W. Bush's Administration all had faults and flaws in them. But prior to America having a Black President, people on both sides of the isle worked together to correct those faults and flaws to make these programs into the functional programs that they are today. Are they perfect?

Hell no!

But, what is that humans create?

But these programs have and continue to help millions of Americans decade after decade.

But now all you hear is: "lets just destroy these programs", (and leave seniors and poor people and working class Americans without the assistance that they need).

They conveniently leave off that last part from the discussion.

Now, if you're not dead or living under a rock, you will recall that this description about our economy is where America's economy was under the Previous Republican Administration of George W. Bush.

And this is what President Obama had to work with when he took office in January 2009. And in spite of a "Do Nothing Congress" because "We have policy disagreements with President Obama." Yeah right!-They refused to give his polices and legislation a fair vote in the House and the Senate.

And with their fierce opposition to voting on anything that he proposed, he still managed to bring the economy back far above where it was under George W. Bush.

He also had several Foreign Policy Victories including the execution of Osama Bin Laden long after George W. Bush swore that he would get him after the attacks on 911. And then he started saying that he didn't even think about him anymore.

A Nuclear Arms Deal with Iran like this country has never seen before.

Reestablishing our country's relationship with Cuba which allows for more robust trade with Cuba from American Businesses and Visa Versa.

And providing Healthcare to 20 million Americans who previously did not have any.

One of the main things that you have to look out for from these Political Manipulation Experts is their distortions of the truth or their out right lies like the ones that Rudy Giuliani and other Campaign Surrogates are spreading on behalf of their candidate Donald Trump's Presidential Ambitions, which are actually Business Ambitions in Disguise.

So where do you fit into the picture?

We will discuss that in the 3rd and final part of this blog.

Please come back tomorrow for it.


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