Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook Part I

There's a lot of misinformation being distributed by people who make a living creating misinformation about candidates either positively or negatively,(depending on what side of the political fence they are on), that is directed towards people who only are involved in politics to a minimum degree; (usually those whose involvement is no more than just voting and then forgetting all about it until the next election). And Political Advisers, Campaign Managers, Surrogates and Political Ad People know this and use these folk's lack of knowledge and involvement in the political process as a means to enhance the virtues of their candidates or to minimize the not so virtuous qualities of their candidate while highlighting the negatives of the competition.

And, they know exactly how many people who are out there who are ripe for the picking who may be receptive to these Deceptive Campaign Messages, because they have the data. And they will not hesitate to get inside the minds of Political Neophytes with messages that are not designed to be true, but to be effective at Persuasion or Dissuasion in favor of their candidate(s).

So this message is for those who are willing to listen and participate in our Democracy which is an ongoing project that determines how well and how long we, our families, our communities and this country lives and how well it does as a whole.

If you are not interested in a Bloody Revolution, then the only chance that you will have to personally determine which direction this country will be heading in after the election, (in combination with millions of others), is to vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 for the best possible crook that is available to you.

Yes! Just like many of us had our hearts broken to find out that Santa Claus was not real and that Santa Claus was just our parents lying to us-It is important for you to know, (even if it breaks your heart), that no one in politics is perfectly true or perfectly honest, because their human beings with the same types of tendencies toward evil or wrong doing that we have. The same selfish behaviors that we exhibit. And the same human frailties that we have.

One of the biggest myths that the professionals that I mentioned above like to perpetuate is "The Myth of the Perfect Candidate".

Listen folks! That "Perfect Candidate" does not exist. Sorry to break it to you, but its important for you and our country that I do.

Their All Crooks to one degree or another because their all HUMAN.

So, your job is not to pick the "Perfect Candidate".

Your job is to do the most basic research that you can to determine which crook you can hire that is going to do the least harm and the most good for you, your family, your community and your country, based on their past record.

Hint: The Politicians who scream the loudest about the Skeletons in the other person's closet usually has even more skeletons in their closet.

A perfect example of this is when Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, was so adamant about and supportive of, the movement to impeach President Bill Clinton for his sexual adventures while in office.

That movement was successful.

After the success of that movement, Bill Clinton's Popularity skyrocketed, and to this day, he continues to be one of the most popular Political Figures in American Political History.

Shortly after his tirade against Bill Clinton, Gingrich was fired from his position as speaker of the house for his personal and professional digressions by members of his own party.

Part II.

Part III.


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