Thursday, October 27, 2016


The Evil Elephants In The Room are planning to hold the U.S. Government Hostage again if Hillary Clinton wins.

They are currently implementing the same Devious Plan that they put into motion when President Obama was first elected in 2008, which they currently have held in place as President Obama is heading towards the end of his term in January, 2017.

What does this plan mean to you as an American who wants to see America make progress and succeed and remain great and to become even better for all parties concerned?

It means that if Donald Trump wins then things will not get any better for the majority of Average American Citizens, and most likely they will get worse. And it also means that even if Hillary Clinton wins; because of a Devious Preplanned Scheme to take the Government Hostage and create another 4 to 8 years of Gridlock at the expense of the American People she will still not be able to implement any of the elements of her Progressive Agenda, including the appointment of Supreme Court Justices that can break the ties on very important issues that can affect all of us for decades to come.

What can we as Democrats, Liberals and Progressives do about it?

We have to ignore the hype about the polls.

The only poll that matters is the one where you go and vote on November 8, 2016.

So please don't let the polls either good or bad discourage you from getting out and voting, and taking as many other registered voters with you as you can.

If you like the direction that President Obama has been taking this country in for the past 7-1/2 years,(in spite of constant opposition from a "Do Nothing Congress"), then no matter what the Rightwing Conservative Hate Movement in America tries to convince you of about the extreme evil and danger of electing Hillary Clinton as the First Woman President of America; you have got to ignore it and VOTE for Hillary.

Republicans Repeating The Same Lies Over & Over About How Bad This Country Has Been Doing Under President Obama Does Not Make Then True.

Because Hillary Clinton is the best chance that we have of maintaining and expanding on the progress that President Obama has made, and of protecting the Legacy of the First African American President, which is something that the Conservative Movement in this country is definitely trying to destroy, because of their hatred of him.

And they don't mind destroying the country in order to achieve this end goal.

That means they don't give a damn about you.

They only care about their hatred of President Obama and Madame President, Hillary Clinton.

Not only do we have to successfully elect Hillary Clinton as President; but we also have to take out the Trash in The House and The Senate that has been plotting to destroy this country out of Hatred of a President instead of Love of Country and all the people in it, just to destroy a president.

So we have to create a Wave Election where we Elect Hillary Clinton and throw all of the "Do Nothing Members of Congress", who will put you and your family's lives, safety, security, healthcare, education and finances at risk just to destroy one individual, out.

Don't let that happen.

Let's clean house on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Thank you!


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