Monday, October 31, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook Part III

Part I

Part II

Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to spend as much time as you can with your computers, tablets, cellphones and maybe a book or news magazine etc, as you can to research the pros and cons of both of these candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; to determine which one will do the most good and the least harm to you and all the things that are important to you now, and that will remain important to you on November 9, 2016 and beyond.

That's it!

All Political Candidates have shortcomings, flaws and mistakes in their past.


Because their all Human

One of the most powerful things that I've seen the Republican Party master in my 36 years as a Political Observer, is their ability to convince Poor White People to vote against their own best interests over and over again during every election cycle.

And they are also masters of the "Illusion of the Perfect Candidate" .

It works this way: If they can convince you that their candidate is "Perfect", then that will force you to focus too much on the Human Imperfections of the candidate that will potentially do the most good and the least harm to you.

And once they convince you of how imperfect your candidate is, then they will have your vote; (either because you will empower their candidate by giving them your vote), or by getting so frustrated about the entire process that you decide to not vote at all, or by voting for some insignificant candidate, (which in effect, still means that in all probability), you have still given your vote to their candidate by default.

However, I will share a Closely Guarded Political Secret with you: You can tell who has the most skeletons in their closet by paying attention to the volume and intensity with which they try to convince you and others of the massive amount of skeletons in the other person's closet.

In order to prevent this phenomenon from overtaking your mind, you must not allow Republican Operatives to Divide and Conquer you with Manipulation, Misdirection, Smear Campaigns or out and out lies in favor of their very flawed candidate, Donald Trump.

You can start here:

48 hours earlier, I told you this:

48 hours later, I had to tell you this:

Told you so! Just 48 hours after Jason Chaffetz R, Utah vowed to keep endless investigations running against Hillary Clinton even if she wins the Presidential Election; FBI Director James Comey,(who is also a Republican), has announced with a vague to non-existent explanation that he will be reopening investigations against Hillary Clinton about an issue that he himself just months ago, said was resolved to his satisfaction.

All of this started with Donald Trump, Ben Chaffetz and other Republican Operatives who already broadcasted publicly to the American People that they would be launching this Smear Campaign a few weeks and hours prior to its actual implementation.

And if you didn't pay attention to what they have all been saying and to what they have not been saying for the weeks leading up to what is now a Full Blown Political Smear Campaign; then they know that you could not have possibly seen this coming.

Jason Chaffetz Prior to FBI Director, Comey's Announcement on 10/28/2016

But here's the thing: your job is not to be Judge, Jury and Executioner of Hillary Clinton on behalf of the Republican Party and their very dangerous, corrupt, greedy and hateful candidate Donald Trump.

Your job is to do the research that I mentioned above to determine how her successful election as President of the United State of America will benefit or harm you, as well as judging the same thing about the other candidate.

Look At These People Standing Behind Trump.

Do you think they care about all of the Evil Deeds, Misogyny, Racism, Sexual Assault Charges, Fraud Charges, Discrimination Charges, Law Suits, Unfair Business Practices, etc, etc, etc that Donald Trump has been accused of and successfully sued for over as many years as Hillary Clinton has been attacked by the Right?

Hell No!

They are standing behind Trump because he hates the same people they hate. And Trump poses a threat to these people on their behalf for their benefit,(real or perceived).

They also believe that he can and will do all the things that he says he will do for them to protect their interests, (in spite of the fact that many of the things that he is promising them will only occur if Trump is able to totally destroy the current government as we know it).

If this is something that interest you, then Donald Trump is your President.

If this is not what you want, then Hillary Clinton is your President.

These 2 Presidential Candidates are the only Legitimate Choices that we have in this election.

All of this other foolishness about "Voting my Conscious" and "I am not able to bring myself to vote for either of these candidates" is either going to translate into a vote for a candidate that does not have their best interest at heart, or will be counted as a "Non" or "wasted" Vote.

This is also an excuse for Weak Ass Republicans to not have to be held accountable for choosing either one of these 2 candidates for president at a later date due to Political Expediency.

And what makes this new phenomena among Republicans so ironic is the fact that Republicans are alway shouting loudly about how strong and principled the Republican Party is verses the Democratic Party.

Currently America is a 2 party system and has been for a very long time-Republicans & Democrats

Even Independents like Bernie Sanders has to choose one of these 2 parties to run in a National Presidential Election.

So if Republican Campaign Managers, Campaign Operatives, Surrogates, Other Republican Officials and Rightwing Media can convince you that Hillary Clinton is "The Devil"; then they win.

Do not let Republicans convince you that your job is to convict Hillary Clinton, (who has not been convicted of anything), thereby destroying her run for President of the United States against Donald Trump who has been sued and charged with many things.

Your job is to choose the best candidate for you, your family, your community and the country as a whole from the 2 candidates that the American People have chosen through the Primary Election Process to be your President.

They're all Crooked.

Because their all Human.

So to be clear; if Hillary Clinton shoots someone in the middle of 5th. Avenue in broad daylight; Hillary Clinton still has my vote as long as Donald J. Trump is in this race.

Because, I don't care how bad Hillary is or how bad the things are that she has done or is being falsely accused of, Donald Trump has demonstrated and been proven over time to be far worse and more dangerous.

I know that Rich and Powerful People like the Clintons are considered to be "Above the Law" or "Untouchable", but if Bill and Hillary committed all of the crimes that I have been hearing about for over 30 years now including MURDER; and they have not been tried, convicted and sentenced, then there is something seriously wrong in this country that "We The People" seriously need to unite and address.

I used to receive mailings from Rush Limbaugh and other members of the Rightwing Hate Community back in the 90"s all the time, accusing Bill and Hillary of tying people to railroad tracks and letting trains cut them in half, murdering the First African American Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown in a plane crash that hit a mountain in Croatia on April 3, 1996, Rape, Sexual Assault, Malfeasance in Office and a myriad of other charges and accusations that have not resulted in any serious criminal penalties, with the exception of Bill Clinton's impeachment for having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and then lying about it.

So in short, I stand with Hillary because she does not have a history of Hating Me like Donald Trump does. Which to me means that I have a better chance of her not implementing policies that will hurt or destroy me, my family, my community and the country as a whole, which I know for sure that will most likely happen under a Trump Administration.

And it's not just Black People and other Minorities that have concerns about the dangers of a Trump Presidency. Its also woman, families, children, immigrants, small businesses, politicians, missile silo personnel, military personnel, wallstreet, big businesses, banks, news reporters and even leaders of foreign countries and their citizens.

Donald Trump is a Global Threat/

So when choosing a President of the United states of America "Information is Power". So, please don't make this Crucial Decision without it.

You are not just electing the Leader of the United States of America. You are also electing the Leader of the Free World who has Ultimate Power and Influence around the globe, and whose decisions can affect changes negatively or positively for not just millions of human beings but billions.

That kind of power in the hands of someone who is not Mentally Fit, Morally Sound, (at least to some degree), Totally Selfish and Self Absorbed and who has a history of hurting other people for Personal Gain, with a Mental Age of 7, can destroy your life and the lives of billions of other people around the world.

Do not be fooled by Professional Liars who earn their bread and butter by successfully deceiving Misinformed Voters.

Thank you for spending time with me before one of the most Consequential Elections in America's History.

Hire Your Own Crook!


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