Saturday, September 3, 2016

And The Award For Most Deplorable Performance At A Black Church By A White Political Candidate Goes To?????

Donald J. Trump

Omarose Onee Manigault

Dr. Ben Carson

Pastor, Dr. Darrell C. Scott

Katrina Pearson

Bishop Wayne T Jackson, Detroit, MI of The Impact Network

And a supporting cast of carefully selected docile congregants carefully placed for maximum effect

This is the same man who attempted to destroy the Legitimacy and Credibility of the First African American President of the United States of America and his Wife and Kids, and everyone associated with him, (especially Hillary Rodham Clinton).

Requested his Birth Certificate to imply that President Obama was not a "True American".

Sent a group of his investigators to prove that his Birth Certificate was a fake and proved that he was not born in the United States.

Implied that President Obama was a Muslim instead of a Christian, (as if that is an Abomination Before GOD); which is also not in accordance with the Religious Freedom provided by the US Constitution that so many False Patriots claim to love so dearly .

Asked for his College Transcripts From Harvard Law School and Columbia University to imply that a Black Man could never be that Intelligent and that a Black Man could never be qualified to be President of the United States of America, thus further perpetuating the Myth of White Supremacy and Black Inferiority which is the Main Foundation for all forms of Racism as practiced by every single White Supremacy Group in America including the KKK, The Skin Heads and many others- many which sprang up as a result of the Legal Election of the First African American President in 2008.

And continued these Political and Racial Smears in spite of all Readily Available Evidence to the Contrary.

Check Out The Story Behind The Story:

I watched to be fair and informed. But it was very hard to keep watching Omarose pretending she was in The Spirit, while constantly looking to make sure that the camera was on her.

But the last straw was when Donald Trump held the Black Baby up in the air as a prop for the camera's to record.

Donald Trump has mistreated Woman, Black Rental Applicants, Black Employees, the First Black President and Black and Brown People in general who look or worship different from the people that he has been targeting for the last 15 months.

As a matter of fact, he does not even like or care about them.

They are just a means to an end. But they are so blinded by Hatred and Racism that they cannot see the truth.

Donald Trump cannot relate to them anymore than he can relate to us as Black People.

But he knows that their Hatred for President Obama, (a lot of which was generated by him), made them Prime Candidates for his Mass Hypnosis Campaign.

He knows that this will never work with the African American Community, so he is not really trying to capture the Black Vote.

He's just trying to convince the White Middle Class Educated People who cannot bring themselves to vote for a Devout Racist like Trump, that he is not a Racist.

And he is also putting on this new production because he was viciously attacked by the Black Community and the Media for talking about Black People to White Audiences; rightfully so.

Do not be fooled by this Showmanship.

It's all a fake.

If you actually read between the lines of his description of "Black People's Problems"; in there you will find the Stereotypical White American Point of View of who and what we all are.

No one who has such a Lowly Opinion of a Race of People, or (as a matter of fact), Several Non-White Races of People could or would honestly be motivated to help those people.

There are no Perfect Choices when it comes to selecting our leaders, because there are no Perfect People on the Planet.

However, making a choice based on the History of a Political Party and the Progress that was produced by its Candidates is possible.

No matter who you are, or what Ethnic Group you come from, if you want to continue to move towards Fairness, Justice and Equality in America, then vote against Donald J. Trump on November 8, 2016.

Donald Trump's Black Church Visit Coverage By CNN

The Clock Is Ticking.


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