Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Democrats VS Republicans

Just because Republicans repeat the same lies over and over again does not make them true.

Next time your relative, friend, neighbor, or boss challenges you to tell them what the Democrats have ever done for America, let them know!

Great Democratic Party Accomplishments

These are historical facts.

Military WW1 Victory(1919) - Woodrow Wilson(D) WW2 Victory(1945) - Franklin D Roosevelt(D) / Harry S. Truman(D) GI Bill (1945) - FDR(D) NATO(1949) - Truman(D)

Foreign Relations Marshall Plan(1947) - Truman(D) Peace Corp(1960/61) - John F. Kennedy(D)

Space Exploration First Manned Moon Mission(1969) - Under Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson(D) First American to Orbit the Earth(1962) = John Glenn \ Under Pres. JFK(D) Oldest Person in Space(1998) = Sen. John Glenn(D)\ Under Pres. Bill Clinton(D)

Socio-Economic Programs 40-hour Work Week(1938) - Roosevelt(D) Minimum Wage Law(1938) - Roosevelt(D) Overtime(1938)- Roosevelt(D) Social Security Act(1935) - Roosevelt(D) Unemployment Compensation(1935) - Roosevelt(D) Rural Electrification Act(1936) - Roosevelt(D) Federal Deposit Insurance(1933) - Roosevelt(D) Federal Home Loan Program(1934) - Rossevelt(D) Securities & Exchange Act(1934) - Rossevelt(D)

Education Guaranteed Student Loan Program(1965) - Johnson(D) School Lunch Program(1946) - Truman(D) Operation Head Start(1965) - Johnson(D)

Health Medicare(1965) - Johnson(D) Medicaid(1965) - Johnson(D) Family and Medical Leave Act(1993) - Clinton(D)

Civil Rights Women's Suffrage Amendment Civil Rights Act(1965) - Johnson(D) Voting Rights Act (1965) - Johnson(D) Motor Voter Act(1993) - Clinton(D)

That's a good start, but I know you can add more. Let's list it all!

Accomplishments of the Republican Party Since WWII

Note: These are lies, exaggerations, historical inaccuracies, and you will notice that most of their accomplishments have to do with War and Lowering Taxes for the Rich & Powerful.

Lowering taxes on Capital Gains does nothing to help Poor People or Average American Working People.

Particularly, note the false accomplishments of George W. Bush.

We are still in Iraq.

He may have been president during the attacks on 911, but he ignored the Intelligence Reports from the Intelligence Community that warned of attacks coming from the Middle East using Commercial Jet Airliners as Weapons weeks before those attacks took place.

He may have been president during Hurricane Katrina. But the results of his response was disastrous and caused the lost of thousands of poor people's lives.

The majority of communities that were destroyed did not receive the Federally Allocated Funds and has never been rebuilt.

President George W. Bush's Economic Policies led to the Stock Market Crash of 2008-2009, which was one of the worst since the Crash of 1987.

The American Tax Payer's had to bail out several Big Banks and Wall Street.

That full amount of money loaned has yet to be repaid.

President Obama is the one who brought the economy back from a Free Fall Crash to a Consistent Growth Rate which we continue to experience as his term is coming to an end.

President Obama also fought to save the Auto Industry with Tax Payer's Dollars. And the industry was saved and all of the money loaned was repaid to the government with interest.

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney fought against saving the auto industry and then went to Detroit and told the people how much he loved Detroit.

It is also important to note that for the past 8 years, Republicans in the Senate and the House have not voted on much of the proposed legislation that President Obama has tried to pass that would have made the Economy, the Infrastructure and the Security of our Nation even more stable then it is now.

However, in spite of this Republican Obstructionism, President Obama managed to not only keep America afloat, but to make Steady Progress in many of the areas that are important to Average American Citizens.

Also, you might want to note that the writer who listed these accomplishments actually tried to turn such a Disastrous Event as a Government Shutdown into an Act of Heroism, while failing to mention that The government shutdown in 2013 which lasted for 16 days cost more than $2 billion. According to the Office of Management and Budget analysis.

The shutdown also made a dent in the economy's growth rate,according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

President Eisenhower WII War Hero Started NASA to empower the US Military Created most of the present day Veterans Benefits

Richard Nixon: Started relations with Communist China after 25 years (ping-pong diplomacy) Ended Vietnam War

Gerald Ford: Got along with the democrats

Ronald Reagan: Lowered income tax rates and capital gains taxes Ended Cold War Defeated Soviet Union (Strategic Defense Initiate "Star Wars" Brought down Berlin wall .."Mr Gorbachov, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL" Made us feel proud to be Americans

George HW Bush: Defeated Iraq; Gulf War 1 Presided over the nations largest natural disaster (Hurricane Hugo) Got along with the democrats

Newt Gingrich 1994 became Speaker of the House, marking first time in 40 years Republicans held both houses of Congress. Proposed and passed "Contract with America", reducing taxes, welfare reform and other conservative measures that laid the groundwork for 12 years of unprecedented economic growth in the US.

US Congress, 1994 through 2006. Led the government for 12 years, lowering taxes, reforming several branches of the government including shutting it down for a week in 1998 to save American taxpayers Billions of dollars. Vetoed several of Bill Clinton's pork-barrell spending projects.

George W Bush: Lowered income tax rates and capital gains taxes Defeated Iraq; Gulf War 2 Presided over deadliest attack on US Soil (World Trade Center) Presided over the nations largest natural disaster (Hurricane Katrina) Presided over longest increase in financial growth in WORLD history

You decide!

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