Saturday, September 24, 2016

These People Are Hunters Who Celebrate Every Kill They Can Get Away With

Terence Crutcher tased on the ground, motionless, then shot dead by Betty Shelby.

Betty Shelby then calls in "Shots Fired", as if to imply that they were being fired upon. "Suspect Down".

At this point I have one question: What crime was Terence Crutcher suspected of?

Was it being Black and broke down in the middle of the street needing assistance?

Based on the video, which is something that we seriously should be interested in and concerned about-there was no reason to shoot Terrence once he had been tased and rendered helpless.

Before all of these calls to headquarters, Terence Crutcher was already dead.

And after another Black Human Being was dead, then you will see these Hunters tampering with the Crime Scene to make the scene match their false narratives so that once again, the Blue Klux Klan can get away with the senseless, unjustified and "Illegal Kill" of another African American.

The Shooting of Terence Crutcher

The Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott

I have said time and time again that Political Apathy will make our race and possibly this nation extinct.

It is certainly looking that way for Black People and other Minorities.

And rather you're Black, White or whatever, if you are a Fair Minded American Citizen, then you should not be happy with this double standard in the country we live in?

Because Black Man are being killed even in "Open Carry States", this is an indication that carrying guns in a state where it is legal to do so is a right only reserved for White People; as it was during slavery.

And I don't want to hear that BS about he was high or he had drugs in the car, or he has a tainted past, or he should have complied with the Police Officer's Demands.

White People with guns don't get treated like Black Unarmed or Armed, (in Open Carry States) as White People do.

Racism is totally alive and well in America and the Flames of Racism are being fanned by people like Donald Trump and other so called "Conservatives", and their Media Outlets such as FOX NEWS.

I say all of that to say this: There is a debate this coming Monday between the Republican and Democrat Nominees; Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And then there is an election coming up on November 8, 2016.

This is not something to be taken lightly.

This is our future as a country.

Now I know that there are those who say "My vote doesn't count", and to those people I say: If your vote doesn't count, then why in the hell are so many rich and powerful people trying to steal them?

Have you ever known rich and powerful people to steal anything that is not of value?

And then there are those who will say: "I don't like either candidate so I am not going to vote at all", and I understand that point of view.

I've been there myself once or twice since I became old enough to vote.

But then I realized how important voting was to my parents and how much they instilled that in me, because the knew how they arrived at a point where they were better off than those who came before them who fought and died to see that those who follow, would have a better life than they did.

So to them I say, wake up and see the world as it is. It is not perfect, there are no prefect people, so therefore, there are no Perfect Political Candidates.

So in this election the choices are: Continued Progress Together as a nation that we hope will someday end this Inequality and the slaughter of people who are not White in America.

Or, the "Us Against Them" Divisiveness and the Excessive Sense of Privilege that makes one man think that he can use the Presidency to increase business profits only, as opposed to using the Presidency to benefit themselves as well as helping our country as a whole.

All human beings are going to seek that which is beneficial to "The Self".

However, some people give a damn about others as well.

Those are the choices that we have to make on November 8, 2016.

Please watch the Presidential Debates.

Please Get Registered To Vote If You Are Not Already.

Then get out and VOTE to tell Donald J. Trump, "YOU'RE FIRED!" on November 8, 2016.

Thank you!

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