Monday, September 26, 2016

Why Donald Trump Does Not Want The Moderators To Fact Check Tonight

Donald Trump Made Up Stuff 71 Times In An Hour

Huffington Post

So remember, it's okay to be entertained tonight. But if you are a serious voter who cares about substance vs showmanship, then don't forget to concentrate on the validity and practical knowledge and experience of both candidates and how their policies will affect you, your family, your friends, Your community and the country as a whole.

Don't pay so much attention to how things are being said.

Instead, focus on what is actually being said.

And I am sure that there will be plenty of of lies, exaggerations and non factual data thrown at America tonight by both candidates.

Let's face it. Most, if not all politicians lie and or commit immoral, unethical and sometimes just plain criminal Acts because their human - (some more than others).

But this coming election on November 8, 2016 will determine the direction that this country will go in for the next 50 or so years.

So what we have to watch out for is the (more than the others part of the equation).

So, it is our job as American Citizens and Voters to separate fact from fiction so that we can make informed decisions on election day.

So once again, enjoy the show.

But don't let slight of hand and flash, (lies) from either candidate divert your attention from the real issues that we are facing in America today.

It is also important to note that no matter what BS a person makes up to deceive the American People-Nobody changes that rapidly and dramatically except for in circumstances where tragedy strikes that person or someone who they love.

So it is important to revisit that person's history to determine how likely they are to change who they are internally as opposed to just verbally.

And speaking of history:

Here's some right here.

I admit that I am proudly partisan, and in spite of the constant smear tactics against President Obama from Rightwing Conservatives, we have made slow and steady progress during his 8 years in office in repairing the damage that was done by the previous administration which is a fact that these haters have conveniently tried to erase from the consciousness of the American People.

So it is important if you feel the same, to know which candidate is likely to continue that progress, and which candidate wants to "Make America Great Again", by Making America Hate; (not just again), but even more so than before.

So please watch tonight's debate at 9:00 PM on MSNBC and pay close attention, and then get out and vote. And take your family, friends, church members and anybody else that you can inform and persuade about the importance of this upcoming election.

It's crucial-It's not a joke.

Check your voter status or register here.

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