Sunday, August 28, 2016

I Am So Tired Of This False Rightwing Outrage About President Obama's Vacation During Louisiana's Flood

Because He's The President.

And you're an Asshole Wanna Be.

I am so !@#$%^& sick and tired of these Rightwing Racists,(like Donald Trump), and his Trumpites, along with others, always trying to imply that the First African American President is somehow less of a human being, inferior, more corrupt and less intelligent than all of the White Presidents that came before him.

And of course most fair minded, non hateful, common sense Americans Know that this is definitely not a fact, but instead is a cleverly disguised lie based on White Supremacy.

But of course with Politicians in General, and Republicans Specifically - the truth or facts have no place in their rhetoric.

As I said earlier, with the Rightwing Hate Machine, (Republicans), in particular.

The fact of the matter is, is that these White Rightwing Racists hate President Obama because he's BLACK. And as a result, they also hate the &*()_+ Lovers who voted for him, support him and work with him in a Non- Racist manner, (which has become known as "Partisanship" to replace the word Racisim since the First African American President was elected, (twice), Legally to the Office of the President of the United States of America.

Evil, Hatred and Racism comes disguised in so many different ways, which is appropriate since Biblically Speaking, Satan was the most beautiful angel in Heaven. That is, before GOD kicked him out.

And the fact that many of these people's followers are so blinded by hate that they will listen to a Pretty Lie rather than hearing an Ugly Truth.

So it is with the Politics of Hate in America which has risen to heights unseen since the early 1700 and 1800's.

It's in our schools, in our neighborhoods and most frighting of all, in our police departments and our state, local and federal governments.

So now they want to use a Natural Disaster that destroyed the lives and property of thousands of people to blame President Obama for not jumping right down to Louisiana after the Governor requested that he stay away, (as was requested of Donald Trump as well); to allow the officials there to focus on helping the citizens of Louisiana instead of focusing on the Safety and Security of the President.

So now we are hearing the term again "Vacationer in Chief".

Which is not factual since President Obama has taken the least amount of vacation days since President Jimmy Carter.

But just like all of these Racists who are terrified about their White Privilege disappearing who try to make what a Black Person is entitled to, far less than what a White Person is entitled to, they dress up their Racism and Hatred with Pretty Lies and Illogical Explanations.

So President Obama didn't go down there himself, because he honored the request of the Governor who knew best what was needed at the time and what was not needed. But being the President, he had at his disposal Federal Resources and Staff that reported to help people. Not to fool people into believing through Photo ops that they really give a damn, about the people, while passing out Play Dough.

Yes! The Billionaire Candidate for the President of the United States, Donald Trump, showed up in spite of the officials request that he not; just to take pictures and pass out something that is really valuable during a natural disaster - Play Dough.

Of course, the President did come down when it was appropriate for him to do so, to touch, talk to, and enplane to the people that they would continue to be helped by Americans long after the cameras were gone, which is the only reason that Donald Trump came there in the first damn place.

But just to set the record straight:

Let's look at some facts about Presidential Vacation Times in Modern Political History.

President Bush's vacation days were calculated as 879 days.

Ronald Reagan' vacation day count was 390 days

President Obama's vacation days by the end of his term are estimated to be around 200 days total.

But yet, the Rightwing Hate Machine which is always busy reveling in labeling President Obama as "Vacationer In Chief", and putting on this show of False Outrage to dehumanize this man even further and to try and deceive people for the purpose of winning an election, instead of actually trying to help people. The fact of the matter is that history and the numbers speak for themselves.

And your False Display of concern in Louisiana Donald was so obvious and disingenuous that only those blinded by HATE would not be able to see that Truth.

So I say to you Donald Trump, you should not have taken Play Dough to a Natural Disaster like the one that the people of Louisiana just experienced.

You should have either taken something of substance that could be used in an emergency such as this to help people. Or, you should have taken a substance that is more chemically related to the matter of your brain.

And that is Silly Putty.

The Clock Is Ticking.


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