Saturday, May 14, 2016

What Does Donald Trump's Rise In Politics Mean?

It means that the majority of Fair Minded Americans who are so inclined to care about people other than just themselves, either didn't know or were in complete denial of just how many Ignorant, Hateful White Racists they were surrounded by in this country; who are mad and frightened by the fact that just being White is no longer enough to make it is this country-They are pissed off because now they have to actually compete with others to succeed.

It means that far to many of us in the African American Community definitely did not know or care about the Racist Nature of this man, while thousands of them were pouring millions of dollars into his slot machines, blackjack tables, roulette wheels, hotel rooms. And spending their hard earned money on residential and commercial real estate properties where he did not want them to reside anyway, just to reside in a piece of property with a big damn T on it.

Now in the interest of full disclosure, I was vaguely familiar with his Racist and Sexist points of view. But I was still spending money at his casinos and on his hotel rooms until! He tried to convince the entire country that MY PRESIDENT, was not a Legitimate American Citizen and that because he was Black and therefore Inferior, he could not had possibly attended Columbia University and Harvard Law School and been at the top of his class;(which also insinuated that he could not possibly be the Legitimate President of the United States of America.

Now maybe a lot of people may be saying right now; "I didn't hear him say all that".

But he did say of all that when he said "I want to see his Birth Certificate".

"I want to see his Academic Records."

"I believe he was born in Kenya".

"I'm sending a team of experts to Hawaii to investigate his background".

"I don't believe his presidency is legitimate".

You see! Sometimes its not what you say that speaks the loudest-its what you don't say.

And oh yes! Let's not forget all of the African Americans that continued to watch and appear on "The Apprentice", which put even more money in his pockets.

So do you know where a lot of the money came from that he brags about when he talks about Self Funding his Campaign?

African Americans and White people who would not normally associate with someone with such a Dark and Hateful Nature, who continued (in the name of entertainment), to line his pockets, thus financing his rise into our American Political System,(which was already filthy enough before his entrance) .

So in a sought of strange kind of way; we actually helped him to get to the place where he is now, and we will also be able to take credit for letting him get into the whitehouse if we continue to not do, what we are famous for not doing in this New Modern Age; (which those who came before us suffered, struggled and died to make sure that we would be here to do), and that is to organize and vote against these Racists, Destructive Bastards.

Mainly now focusing on Donald J. Trump.

Now of course its not just African Americans who helped him. But we as African Americans failed to react and respond to many of the Racist's Attacks that were launched against the First African American President.

We got madder when the LA Clippers owner said something racist about Magic Johnson than we did about the constant barrage of attacks against President Obama, which (in my opinion), we were far too quiet about.

So that's all spilled milk and water under the bridge now.

What's important now, is where do we as a people and we as nation go from here?

I outlined some of the mistakes that I think have been made in this country by all Americans over the past 7+ years, and hopefully, so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past; here are a few more that allowed these Racists Undercover White Supremacists, KKK Members, Skinheads and Nazis to infiltrate our government to an even deeper degree then they already had:

And this applies to every Fair Minded, Humane Citizen of America from every race and walk of life.

Not enough voter turnout during National Presidential Elections. And not turning out in the Post Presidential Midterm Elections of 2010 and 2014.

This Political Apathy allowed national and local politicians to stand in the president's way and block everything that could have been done through legislation to make this country a better place for the majority of people living here no matter what their race or income structure is. The reason these Racists put America in Jeopardy is, because they would rather see this country destroyed,(that means all of us); rather than giving a Black Man credit for saving it.

If you ever notice Republicans, Conservatives, White Evangelicals, Alt Right, FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc when they talk; they try to fool the American People into believing that America has only had problems over the past 7+ years.

I wonder why?

There was no Murder and Slaughter of Native Americans.

There was no Slavery.

There was no Civil War.

There was no Stock Market Crash in 1929.

There was no Vietnam War.

There Was no Ronald Reagan Iran Contra Scandal.

There was no (Tricky Dick) Nixon and Watergate.

There was no George W. Bush, Stock Market Crash and Depression in 2008, (which is what this country was dealing with when President Obama won the election).

There was no 911.

There was no George W. Bush Iraq War.

As a matter of fact, according to Republicans, there was no George W. Bush at all.

And these people who are playing these games with our health, safety, security and minds, slipped into our government because not enough people turned out to give President Obama the Support Staff that he needed to get the people's business done in an effective and expedient manner in the Midterm Elections of 2010 and 2014.

And since enough people did not vote in the Midterms in 2010 and 2014, the people that got in because of that are now trying to take away people's rights to vote all over the country altogether, just like it was for our foreparents.

So all I am saying is, don't allow people who hate you and your families to Infiltrate our Federal, State and Local Governments who would not otherwise be qualified to be Chief Dog Catcher.

Please! Vote against Donald Trump in the Presidential Election and against his Hateful Republican Supporters. And then vote again in the Midterms to keep these Racist, Hateful Bastards like him from taking control of our government on the local levels. And let's get back to loving and helping one another make this nation in reality, the fantasy that it is on paper.

Thank you! Vote to move forward on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, by voting for Hillary Clinton for President and for all Democratic Down Ballot Candidates.


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