Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bernie Or Bust??????

In spite of all the moral, legal and ethics problems surrounding Hillary Clinton's campaign, (borrowing any of the aforementioned problems coming to fruition in some dramatic way), Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States of America.

So,it doesn't matter how many times Bernie Sanders bitches, whines and moans about a system being "Rigged" that he has been a part of for over 40 years-A system that he and his campaign were thoroughly briefed on before, during and after his filing to run for President.

Bernie Sanders has been an Independent for most if not all of his political life. And as a result, I am sure that he knows,(or should have known), and should have informed his followers of the conditions under which Independents can and cannot vote, and in which states they can and cannot vote in.

If he has failed to do this, then it is not the system that has failed Bernie followers.

It"s his campaign.

And something we all need to consider is the hierarchy of importance when it comes to voting:

1. You and your family

2. The Country

3. The Party

4. The Candidate

in that order, with 1 & 2 being interrelated.

When you are a person that cares about 1-3 and you place the candidate as above all else. That is like Idolizing a preacher in spite of the fact that he is a "Pimp in the Pulpit".

Truth be told, there is not one presidential candidate that I like who is currently running for president.

But I don't like many of the people and professionals that I come into contact with on a daily basis.

But in my mind the most important thing for me is: Do they get things done that benefit me?

When it comes to voting for president, its the same thing.

Which one of these imperfect beings has the best chance of improving me, my family's and my community's conditions in life?

So if your opinion is "Bernie or Bust" or even "Hillary or Bust", (if something goes wrong with her campaign),and you are a Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, Socialist or whatever your Left wing Label is, then I just want you to know that this is "Bust".

Now do you really want "Bust"?

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