Friday, May 27, 2016

Debates & Whitehouse For Sale

Up until Donald J. Trump ran for president, I always thought that debates were a public service designed to help voters become familiar with political candidates so they can make informed decisions about who they want to vote for.

However, Trump has turned debates in to a profit center.

He claims, (in response to a challenge from Jimmy Kimmel), that he will debate Bernie Sanders for $10-$15,000,000 dollars to be donated to charity, which brings me to the next question:

What Happened to Trump's donations to veterans?


Donald Trump tells us exactly how and why he wants to be in the whitehouse and his blind ass followers don't see or hear the planned corruption and greed that this Cult Leader has planned to benefit not his followers, not the country, but instead, he is trying to get into the whitehouse to sell power to the highest bidder to benefit himself.

So now, (as if politics wasn't already dirty enough), the whitehouse with Trump as President will not be the "People's House" doing the "People's Business".

It will become the "House of Trump"-A corporation that only does things for those who can afford to pay him for the services that he provides.

Where does this leave the rest of the 99% of the US population?

Recently when asked about the rich donors who refused to give him money, Trump said: "Those are people who won't have access to the whitehouse".

Now I know that his followers are helpless in thinking for themselves.

But if you are a person who can-please listen to the things that this man says, and please take him very seriously and act accordingly.

All of the things that he has said about Black People, Mexicans, Woman, Immigrants, War, Making Deals, etc-is what he actually means.

And don't fall for the Pivot, (Lies), to the general election where he is trying to appeal to more than just the Hateful Ignoramuses in the primary who will continue to follow him to their own detriment.

This is a Political Tactic that is old as politics itself, and is being used by Trump as well, to create the illusion of a kinder, gentler Donald.

It's all fake!

And if you continue to pay attention to this man and his words and deeds, you will know that underneath of all that sheep's clothing, he is still the same corrupt, greedy and hateful, racist wolf that he has always been.

He wouldn't change for the better if he could.

If you can see this, please do your part to keep this man from becoming the President of the United States of America by voting and protesting against him, and educating others to do the same.

Do it for yourself.

Do it for your children.

Do it for your family.

And, do it for this country.

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