Thursday, May 12, 2016

Here Are The Results Of The Republican Autopsy Report Of 2013 In 2016..........

June 19, 2013, The Republican Autopsy after 2 consecutive Republican election losses.

In essence, we have got to change the way that we are delivering our message to the American People.

In other words, we're not going to change any of our policies about Racism, Sexism, Discrimination,Senior's Rights, Disabled Rights, Gay Rights, Worker's Rights and Income Inequality, etc, etc, etc.

We just need to find a better way to say that we hate Black People.

Woman do not have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies or earn the same amount of money for doing the same type of work as a man.

We want to continue to discriminate against people that we don't like or agree with.

We want to take money from the senior citizens who need it and redirect those savings to our rich and powerful friends and corporations who do not need it.

We don't want to continue to take care of our disabled veterans and private citizens in this country who need the help, (because once again), we can take those savings and and give them to our rich and powerful friends and corporations.

We are going to continue to play GOD and tell people who they should love and who they should not love.

We are going to continue our attacks against unions, teachers, policeman, fireman and the people who got sick saving lives during the 911 attacks; so that we can give these funds to our rich and powerful friends by allowing them to pay even less than already next to nothing in taxes.

And we are going to continue to make sure that the poor gets poorer and that the rich gets richer.

So their original plan was to take their SHIT; Repackage it and try to sell it to the American People as something else other than SHIT.

And now! Here's the solution to the problems that they claimed they wanted to fix in 2013 as manifested in 2016.

And the one thing that keeps them from becoming "The Party of the People", (I mean all of the people), not just that small select group of Rich or Hateful White People or the few Black People who are filled with so much Self Hatred that they can't identify with themselves-that they constantly refer to as "The American People" when they disgustingly and deceptively talk about "The American People want this!" And "The American People want that!" is the fact that the policies that they promote are not palatable to the majority of people who call themselves people or human beings.

They go against the grain of the good parts of human nature in favor of the Evil parts of human nature.

Just ask all of the communist countries that have fallen how that system of government has worked out for them.

And then you will see why they are where they are and why they are who they are in 2016.

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