Saturday, February 8, 2014

What's Really Behind The Tea Party?

People Like This Are!

It's because Republicans are afraid to stand up to ignorance hatred and racism because we currently have an African American President who has been legally elected twice by the American People.

During the Bush Administration, no one ever heard or saw anything about a Tea Party in spite of the many questionable polices of the Bush Administration including: excessive spending,massive increases in the deficit, ignored intelligence leading to the Terrorist Attacks on 911 which killed over 3000 Americans, and then the Iraq War which killed over 4000 Americans and injured and ruined the bodies and lives of countless others including many of the human beings in Iraq.

A war that was sold to Congress and the American People with lies and false intelligence Reports

Rep. Jim Bridenstine

Why do the Republicans continue to allow people in their party to stoke this hatred, racism and fear?

It's because deep down inside they are hateful, racists who are fearful of the fact that they no longer have total control over this nation or the people that they consider to be inferior.

What it all boils down to is White Supremacist trying to return America to a country where White Supremacy rules.

If you think those times have passed,then you'd better wake up and smell the HATE!

And you need to sniff no further then the group that appeared out of nowhere when then Senator Obama began to run for President of the United States:

The Tea Party

These Racist's have now taken almost complete control of the Republican Party, which was not really a difficult task since this party already had many of these same beliefs, opinions and policies in place already.

The Tea Party is just not as eloquent with their hate.

They don't mind making it obvious.

Whereas, the Traditional Republicans use coding to disguise their hatred.

We as a country cannot afford to ignore, deny or sleep while under attack.

Wake Up!

Protect Yourselves and those you love.


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