Saturday, February 22, 2014

As The Hatred Reaches It's Peak-I Have To Ask: Where We At????????

You know, I understand that the political environment is very toxic at this point in time.

And I know that maybe the glamour and glitter of the historical event of our lifetime, (an event that our fore parents, and there fore parents and even we, thought we would never live to see), has occurred and is probably no longer viewed as such a big deal.

But when I hear people talk about the president of the united States of America, (as a matter of fact), the First African American President in American History, (not world history because in many of the so called inferior nations, they have already had Female Presidents, and Presidents of Color; but here in the "Greatest Nation In The World" with all of its Freedom, Justice and Equality), I often wonder why we are still talking about the First Black, the First Asian, the First Latino, the First Mexican, the First Woman,the First Gay.

If Freedom , Justice and Equality were such a strong and reliable reality in our country, then there would no need for so many damn "Firsts". Because everybody would have already had an equal chance to share in the wealth and power of this nation and to become whomever and whatever they chose, worked hard for, and made sacrifices to become.

But these False American Values are not real people

Anyone with just a little bit of commons sense who is not blind mentally, physically or spiritually knows that this Justice, Freedom and Equality that is supposed to make us such a superior nation is no more than a big Damn Lie created by those who are actually experiencing the benefits of these "Look Good On Paper", virtues while at the same time oppressing the rights of others who they consider to be inferior products created by the GOD that they claim to believe in, love and worship so intensely because they know that he is divine and cannot make any mistakes.

However, in spite of this deep devotion and faith in GOD and Country, they still insist that only they are the creatures that GOD wanted to inherit the Earth, all of it's beauty and its abundance.

This is hypocrisy in the most intense and dangerous form.

So now that you have the background of what I'm about to say, enough about them.

The only reason that you would not know about all of the things that I was referring to is if you are allowing yourself to be overly distracted by technologies like Xbox, Play Station and the other gadgets and gizmos that are very good for amusing one;s self. But there is also another more sinister purpose for these technologies as well as all of the reality shows and the other intentional distractions placed in front of those who are not focused on reality, and that purpose is to make sure that you are not focused on the ugly realities that play themselves out everyday in this country, that this generation does not seem to care about or organize and respond to by utilizing our constitutional Right to Peaceful Assembly.

I want to talk about us, and by us I mean able bodied, young or healthy intelligent and talented African Americans who have been frighteningly quiet about the resurgence of the KKK Mentality that has infiltrated our American Political System, our Criminal Justice System, and all of the other Mainstream Institutions in our country with very little push back from this generation.

As a matter of fact, it is as if this generation is totally disconnected from the people and the history that brought us to where we are today and are totally ignoring the fact that these same forces that held us in bondage for over 400 years are still at play now, and have been recharged to extremely dangerous levels since the election and re election of our First African American President.

Here let me give you an example of the kinds of attacks that we have been far too quiet about against a man who was a community organizer, turned down a 7 figure income at an upscale law firm upon graduating law school, and made so many other sacrifices to become a person who has spent most of his life helping those who needed to be helped.

Guess What? He is still trying to do the very same thing now that he was trying to do as a Community Organizer, a United States Senator, and now President of the United States.

But for some reason, it seems like most of us have abandoned him and are totally ignoring the severe, dangerous and inhuman attacks that he and his family have been exposed to-And we have left him to do what he can to help all of us, (and by us I mean the majority of the people in the united states of America who are not Major Corporations,not Rich, Powerful or well connected all by himself).

Check Out The Example Below. Also notice that the person who is defending our president is one of the many "Fair Minded White People", who actually recognizes the fact that these kinds of Racist's, Hateful Attacks against the President of the United States of America because he has Black Skin with some White Skin mixed in is not only unfair and unsafe but he also recognizes that this is not acceptable as we discuss our political differences in this country.

Oh one more thing: Listen to this bastard apologize to Soldiers and Law Enforcement when he actually never served as either one, and actually wore a diaper for weeks that he would Piss and Shit in so that he could avoid defending the company that he claims to love so much, and as a side note, a country that he and many others clam to love so much but yet, they do not want to pay their fair share of taxes to keep the country that they love so much open and moving forward.

Why aren't we in the streets by the millions?

I feel very fortunate that my parents, grandparents and the parents and grand parents of others who I was fortunate enough to be raised around taught us about our history and how if we were not active participants in protecting the freedom that so many others were injured, raped, bombed, burned and lynched for; it would be taken away from us again

The bottom line is that FREEDOM came at a very high price for all of those who fought and died for it in the past, and it is still not free. Your knowledge, skills, abilities and activism is required to stop the onslaught of hatred that is prevalent in our society right now by a small but significant group of Hateful Racist's who are actually reaching their goals of turning back the clock of progress by taking away our right to vote, our right to have the same opportunities to care for, provide for and protect our families, friends and communities, and to be treated as a human being as I truly believe that the Creator intended.

It is time for us to organize and use the power that others died to give us to help all those that these people are attacking on a daily basis: The President, The Poor, Woman, Gays, The Sick, The Elderly, Immigrants and the Disadvantaged,

The reason that they are winning this fight and accomplishing their hateful agendas is because they are doing so with very little if any, opposition from us, And if this Apathy continues they will defeat us.

We cannot ignore their attempts to destroy this country, because they are not going to cease in their attempts to do so.

Enemies do not stop trying to hurt you because of the love that they suddenly discover in their hearts.

They only understand 2 things, Force and Power, both of which our ancestors worked so hard to give us

Please don't let their voices be the only voices that are being heard by the American People, because when some Hateful and Ignorant People only hear one side of a Hateful, corrupt and Greedy Message, they are easily recruited which increases their power

And one more thing: It's one thing to just talk the talk and not walk the walk.

Political Victory requires CASH and lots of it, so we just cannot keep opening just our mouths, we also have to contribute to the cause by opening our wallets and purses as well

The Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, Sheldon Adelson and many other Rich and Powerful Racist are trying to buy the United States Government and the world so that they can control it and create the world that they envision where only Rich People, Powerful People and White People matter, and where there is no Middle Class-just Rich People and Slaves

We are far too energetic, talented and powerful to just sit back on our asses and let this happen to us, after all the sacrifices that were made for us and all of the pain, suffering and death that those who came before us experienced so that we could have a much better life than they had.

We owe them, ourselves and our future generations a better country and a better world for all people.

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