Thursday, February 6, 2014

This Republican Bullying Is Nothing New........

On October 27, 2010, A Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On The Head Of Lauren Valle A Member Of The Progressive Move On.Org Movement While At A Rand Paul Debate.

Rand Paul is now a U.S. Senator for Kentucky who is being considered by the Republican Party for a run at the Presidency of the United States of America.

Now I can hear all of you Right Wingers saying, well what did he have to do with that? The answer is nothing! But this incident and many other incidents involving members of the Republican Party indicate the types of people that are attracted to these Republican Party Leaders, and the type of negative environment that is becoming more and more acceptable and normal in our politics.

So the question is: Do we really want people who attract people like these to their events and to the voting booth to be in charge of this country.

This can be very dangerous and detrimental to our society. Because in spite of the fact that people on the Right believe they can do anything to anyone in anyway without retribution; this is just another example of their ignorance and stupidity, because it is completely against Human Nature to just lay down and die when under attack. So these types of attitudes coming from the Left or the Right can create an enormous explosion of hatred and violence.

On March 20, 2010, several members of the Congressional Black Caucus were reportedly attacked and Congressman Cleaver was spit on and bombarded with Racial Epithets.

These protesters were following the Republican Playbook that has attempted to destroy President Obama's Signature Legislation, the Affordable Care Act, (a law that has provided health insurance for millions of Americans who previously did not even qualify for health insurance due to preexisting conditions, insufficient income or because their jobs just did not provide coverage for them; to finally have the safety and security of knowing that they and their families are covered in case of illness or an accident.

And of course, this bullying is definitely nothing new for Governor Phony Soprano, (Chris Christie) when someone asks him any type of question that threatens to expose the true nature of his Republican Right Wing Agenda.

And now we have Congressman Michael Grimm who wants to throw a reporter off of the balcony of the Capitol or break him in half like a boy, because he does not want to answer questions about the Election Finance Scandal that he is currently stuck in the middle of in New York.

On January 28, 2014, just minutes after the State of the Union Address, Congressman Michael Grimm threatened to throw a reporter off of the balcony of the Capital Building and to break him in half like a boy,(whatever that means,weird!).

I wonder if he realizes that his behavior towards this reporter is almost a sure fire indication of his guilt.

And the point to all of this is: Those who do not wish for America to be the kind of country where people are bullied by their elected leaders which of course will lead to Americans bullying back to defend themselves and their interests, which could potentially lead to some very serious and dangerous violence in our country that has not been seen since the 60's.

If this is not the kind of America that you want yourself and your family to live in,(and believe me I know because I was there), then it is incumbent upon you, me and all those who do not want to see our country go up in flames to first of all, pay attention to the leaders that Republicans are trying to place in charge of our country and then do what is necessary to prevent them from taking control of our country.

Because no one just laid down and died 500 years ago under such inhumane and demonic treatment of human beings, and nobody is going to do that now.

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