Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Republicans Talking About Trust?

The very same people who have sit on their asses for over 5 years now doing very little to nothing in an attempt to destroy the First African American President and the country with him, who want to do away with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,

who want to cut billions from the Food Stamp Program that helps to provide food for some of the most vulnerable victims of poverty in our society-Children, who want to make major cuts to Military Personnel’s Retirement Benefits,

who do not care that our Bridges, Highways and Streets are in need of serous repairs, who complain about the deficit created by entitlement programs while funneling billions of dollars into the pockets of corporations who do not need the money,

who have repeatedly lied to the American People about their desire to get the American People back to work while destroying every plan that the President has proposed to do so-the same people who have voted to Repeal Obamacare almost 50 times which is a program actually providing millions of Americans

Healthcare for themselves and their families , many of whom could not have gotten healthcare without it, the same people who want to sell out our children by Privatizing Public Schools so that their buddies can benefit from the exploitation of our children for profit,

and now these same people want to sabotage Immigration Reform by starting another manufactured crises by creating the myth that they cannot trust the president to do the job that he has already been doing without their help, cooperation and assistance for 6 years now.

It is very hard for me to believe that the American People would swallow these continued attempts to cause the American People to lose confidence in the President’s Leadership Abilities for this nation.

In 2010 Democrats did not do what they needed to do in the local elections and in support of President Obama and his agenda for this country. And that failure on our part has caused so many serious and catastrophic damages to our Democracy including Voter’s Rights.

The only solution to these constant attacks on the President and the American People is to get rid of the bastards that are causing the damage.

And that can be done by Democrats who represent us refusing to be afraid to stand up for the President and Democratic Principals including healthcare.

And we can do our part by getting all hands on deck and doing whatever it takes to take the house back from Republicans this coming November, because they are not adequately representing you, me and all of the millions of Americans who still believe that Fairness, Justice and Equality for all Americans is the American Way.

Please Speak Up!

Please Speak Out!

And Please Teach others to do the same.


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