Wednesday, January 6, 2016

White Privilege Run A Muck With America's Blessings

Okay! Enough is enough!

Once again! America is using Euphemisms to describe Racism, Violence and Hatred in softer terms that detract from the fact that these people in Oregon are Thugs, Traitors, and yes Terrorist who stink of Hypocrisy, which is the calling card for The American Rightwing Hate Movement, in even larger doses than usual since the boss of the Government is now Black

This guy like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and thousands of other Right Wing Hate Mongers and Hypocrites, hate the Government when it is convenient for them to do so, (like when it serves to promote their hateful causes), and then love the Government when it it convenient for them to do so, (like in the case of the leader of this Angry Hateful White Supremacy Mob) led by Ammon Bundy, who like the other 2 Right Wing Lug Nuts that I just mentioned, borrowed $500,000 dollars from the Federal Government to finance his business.

How much did Ammon hate the government then?

But in all fairness, I guess you can hate somebody and still take from them what you want or need-huh Ammon?

Prior to Ammon pulling this stunt, his father did the same thing by trying to Defraud the Federal Government by not paying a fee to the Government for using Government Property to graze his cattle.

That dispute ended peacefully.

But only because the Federal Government and American Society still have different standards for White People Breaking the Law then they do for Black People who are Breaking the Law.

And the same Right Wing Hateful Idiots who celebrate and jump up and down in joy while trying to justify the murder of one of our Black Brothers or Sisters,(even before they get to trial or are already in custody or already dead), are the same people who are crying and accusing people on the Left,(especially Black People) of calling for the slaughter of these Federal Thugs; because that is what they do when it is us.

That's not what we want.

We want Justice.

So just like all of you Hate Mongers say: "Well if they were obeying the Police Officer before they got shot, then they wouldn't be dead".

Well! I don't see any Logical Reason why the same does not apply here.

I mean hell, it's not like they are selling lose cigarettes to try and make some extra money.

They have actually taken over Federal Property, Threatened the United States Government with Violence, and say they are not going anywhere until they want to.

And their still alive?

For far too long America has given Police Forces all over America GOD Like Privileges to kill Black People under any circumstances that they deem necessary.

This week, they conducted a poll that measured the fears, concerns and anger of Americans. And do you know who they found to be the least angry of all people? (Black People).

That's right the people who should be one of the angriest groups in America is okay with the murder of our children, the rape of our woman and the complete injustice faced by a race of people who have been living under these same conditions for hundreds of years.-Yes! Even with a Black President in the White House.

Now notice, I didn't say we should be violent-I said we should be angry.

However, like Malcolm said, it is not natural to be at peace when you are under attack and your lives are being taken at, or near the same levels that they were during slavery; which so many of our Ancestors and Fore Parents fought against and died for, so that we could be here today.

And we can't even VOTE in Massive Numbers to prevent all of America from becoming a Plantation ruled by White Racists Slave Masters, like Ferguson was allowed to become.

Make no mistake about it.

Many of the people who are standing off against our Government have ties to people in Government who are secretly supporting and representing their actions.

Check out Congress and some of the Republican Presidential Candidates.

Because if we, (who do not have that type of support and protection from the Federal Government did this); there would be no negotiations, wheeling and dealing, pleading and prodding, or peaceful and logical arguments.

We would have already be dead, because America is still a country where "White Privilege" is alive and well and growing stronger everyday while those of us who care struggle in small numbers to keep it in check.

These people in Oregon are more Hypocritical Fake Ass Patriots who, (like many Republican Candidates), are not doing these things for the benefit of this country.

They are doing this for their own Selfish, Profitable and Power Grabbing Purposes.

They want that land to train for their White Supremacy Revolution against us, and all those who agree that America belongs to everyone, and not just a few Stupid, Hateful White Supremacist.

America has sanctioned this type of behavior since the Indians land was taken from them, since they made the Africans built it up for free and since American Immigrants who struggled to get here like everyone else did before them, were taught to attack and demean those who are trying to get here like they once were, Ala Donald Trump.

And as those of all races who are fair minded, open minded and have purity of heart know; our lives really don't matter.

And on the positive side, I would like to thank all of the Americans from all races and all walks of life who are banning together, Peacefully,(threatening the Status Quo), not the Federal Government, (like the Militia in Oregon is doing), who realize that "Change" takes time and hard work.

If it were not for these new Social Movements springing up around the country, I don't know where we would be, or if the world would know what is happening here in America-"Land of the FREE-Home of the Brave".

Thank you! Care to join in?


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