Wednesday, January 13, 2016

S.C. Governor Nikki Haley Under Attack For Telling The Truth About The GOP

Let me start by saying in the interest of full disclosure that I am far from being a Nikki Haley Fan.

I've seen and heard her typical Republican Hypocrisy on several issues including her 360 degree turn around on the Confederate Flag and her apparently sincere condolences for the 9 victims of Gun Violence at the Mother Emmanuel Church in her state, where an Armed White Terrorist, Murderer, killed 9 people after spending an hour praying with them.

He did not know these people who welcomed him into their sanctuary with open arms and they had never done anything wrong to this murderer, but as he himself stated: He just had to kill them because they were Black.

However, as I watched Governor Hally express her deep heartfelt sympathy for the victims and their families,(which I believed to be genuine), I also could not help but remember that she is also known for her Rightwing Fetish with Guns, which seems to be a major thing for Conservatives in America.

And in spite of the fact that I as a Liberal do not want to see the Systematic Disarmament of Black People in this country which many leaders including Rev. Al Sharpton seems to promote, I also don't think that guns are to be admired, adored and loved.

Guns like other tools are very useful when used under the proper circumstances and in situations where one's life, family's life or property is in danger of being destroyed.

So to all Black Folks and other Minorities who are under attack in this country by Rightwing Hate Mongers and Racial Supremacist, (including many who are in our Government and in many Police Departments around the country), I think that it is stupid to ask people under attack to dispose of the tools they need to protect themselves.

On the other hand, I don't think it is healthy to fall in love with guns like you would an adorable woman or man who is the apple of your eye.

However, this is quite common among many Conservatives in America.

So once again, let me say that I am not a Nikki Hally Fan.

But when someone from either side of the aisle, (even if it is a Republican), speaks the truth about an ongoing problem that needs to be resolved; even if it is a problem that Republicans have that need to be solved, I have to stand up for that person.

Nikki Haley is under attack today by many in her own party because of the fact that Republicans have a real problem with the truth.

And I've said this time and time again, and they have proven it time and time again.

And last night in her response to the President's State of the Union Address, she told the ugly truth about the part that Democrats have played in this Historically Dysfunctional Government that we have witnessed for the past 7 years. Although the part that the left has played in this dysfunction has been minuscule compared to the problems of Hatred of the President by Republicans which have made them refuse to work with him all of these years, I guess you could blame the Left for having a Black President.

And if she would have just attacked the Democrats and blamed them for all of the problems in Washington;today she would have been a hero.

But because the Rightwing Hate Movement and its associated Republican Party in America are so determined to lie to the people about who and what they are, and whose fault it is that nothing significant has been accomplished through Congress for the past 7 years; today they are blowing their tops, because Nikki Haley pointed out the fact that the Republican party has problems that they need to work on as well. And their mad because they think that we are so stupid that we haven't been paying attention to what they have been doing, (or should I say not doing for 7 years), and why they were doing it.

This is why they cannot govern effectively, because the first step in solving a problem is admitting and acknowledging that you have one.

Now don't get me wrong, all politicians lie, because all people lie, and politicians are people.

However, one party seems to have a monopoly on lying to the people instead of governing.

And that is the Republican Party.

So Governor Haley, I applaud your honesty about fixing the problems that are present in your own house, (which are monumental), as opposed to just blaming the other side.

Now because you spoke the truth about your own party, you may have blown your chance at the Vice Presidency, because since your party has such Adverse Reactions to the truth, they like to punish those who tell it.

But when the smoke all clears, I hope that you will be able to get the recognition from your party that you deserve.

And thank you for saying something that most of us already knew anyway.

The people who are mad at you now, are mad because they thought they were hiding something secret from the American People that we did not know, and that you let the cat out of a bag that has been open since the First African American President was elected to office.

The ones who believe that BS are really out of touch with reality.

Your response to the President's State of the Union Address was the best one that I've heard since President Obama was elected to office.

Good luck to you in your future political endeavors.


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