Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tonight's Republican Debate-Hell No!

I've had enough!

I have patiently awaited for one Republican Candidate to say or do anything that is important to me, and to people like me.

And I am not talking about Black or White.

I am talking about:

1.The economy

2. Jobs

3. Healthcare

4. Woman's Rights

5. Civil Rights

6. Human Rights

7. Justice, Fairness & Equality

8. Diversity & Tolerance of Others

9. The True Legacy of the Obama Administration

10. Eliminating Corporate Greed & Evil that Destroys American's Lives.

11. National Security

Etc, Etc, Etc,

You can fill in the blanks for yourself if I missed your concern.

I can guarantee you after so many years of experience with and observation of the Republican Party, that you will not hear any True or Genuine Discussions about any of these important issues.

But the one thing that I can guarantee that you will hear, and that is them and their egos. You'll hear everything about their Virtues, Superhuman Strengths and the Impossible Tasks that they will take on, on day one in the White House before the curtains are hung and their furniture has been unpacked.

Oh! And I almost forgot-You will hear a lot of Hatred and Racism.

So if you have no serious concerns about the direction in which you want this country to be headed in, and you have time to waste, then enjoy the show.

But if you are serious about the future survival of your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community and your country-Don't Waste Your Time.

You're going to have to look elsewhere to find these all important issues.


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