Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Victim Smear Campaign Of Sandra Bland Has Begun

Why is it that American Law Enforcement, (after committing murder), or in this case, escalates a Routine Traffic Stop that leads to the death of a young woman with a Bright Future, begins an Immediate Systematic Public Demonization of the Victim?.

They use False Witnesses, (which are usually those who were involved in the murder), or those who are already in trouble who are offered special deals for collaborating these officer's narratives .

As the family of Sandra Bland carry out the Excruciatingly Painful Task of burying their loved one, these attacks on this young woman, (whose life ended far too soon), are now and will continue to be in effect for the purpose of covering up the evil that was done to her and to get make the Guilty, Innocent.

They use Toxicology Reports, (as if getting high and not hurting anyone justifies a murder).

They dig up photos of the victims at a time when they were young, dumb and stupid; doing sometimes dangerous and stupid things, (as if their kids NEVER do anything like that).

And a large variety of other Deceptive Practices that are designed to make sure that the victim does not receive the Justice that they deserve.

Its all designed to get the murderers off by making the victim who is dead, (who cannot speak for themselves), look like the Real Criminal, when in fact, the Criminals are the ones who Stalk, Hunt and look for excuses to Kill African Americans and other Human Beings that they deem as not fit for life.

The officer who stopped Sandra Bland went way above and beyond the process of Maintaining Peace, Order and Justice.

And they have now begun the process of covering up and or dismissing the real reason for her death by making her the "Demon" in this entire scenario.

But America is beginning to wake up to the truth.

And for that I am very thankful.

And I think I can say with confidence that the families, friends and communities of all the people who have been murdered by Law Enforcement Personnel or those who Wanna Be,(many who have escaped punishment for their evil deeds), appreciate your attention to detail.

Let us all; who give a damn about Freedom, Justice and Equality for this country make those words more than just words on a piece of paper.

Let's continue to work together to make them reality.

Thank you one and all.

And, thank you Sandra Bland for your Activism and Contributions to society in an effort to make life better for everyone.

Sandra Bland RIP


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