Thursday, July 23, 2015

Republicans & Democratic Sympathizers Say "Nothing", Or "War" With Iran"

Okay! Here we go again.

Just like Cuba and America's Soured Relations with other countries around the world because of its insistence that America is "Holy-er Than Thou", "Genetically, Culturally and Morally Superior to GOD's Creations throughout the rest of the earth, we now have Republicans along with some Democratic Sympathizers who think that our world and our will is perfect and that we are so Powerful and Mighty that we can get anything, anyway, anyhow we want it from anyone with absolutely no compromise on our part.

Instead of working to improve the deal that the Obama Administration has worked so hard to make with Iran, along with the other nations who have a vested interest in these negotiations to prevent,(or at least), slow down the production of Nuclear Weapons, for at least the next 10-15 years, we have, (mostly Republicans), known for being War Hawks, and some (Democrats), looking for the Perfect Deal in an Imperfect World, as an excuse for WAR.


Because of some devastating Nuclear Nightmare that, "Might", occur in the future.

This is the same kind of Fear Mongering that allowed the Bush Administration to enter into a war with Iraq, that caused the lost of over 4000 Americans and GOD only knows how many innocent Iraqi Citizens and Soldiers; once again for some Nuclear Nightmare that "Might" Occur in the future.

And in spite of the fact that the Right Wing Hate Machine in America would have you all believe that al qaeda, Isis and other Powerful Terrorist Groups that are now attacking America is the fault of President Obama, the (First African American President), because he is by his very nature and creed, "Incompetent"; that is a Damn Lie.

The fact of the matter is that wars like the Iraq War that topples leaders like Saddam Hussein for no other reason than taking his oil, and the fact that he tried to kill George W. Bush's father on a golf course one day; creates a vacuum of power that is quickly and effectively filled by Terrorist Groups like Isis .

These are Fake Wars, Created by Fake Circumstances to take wealth and control from other "Lesser Beings" from Lesser Countries.

You know its easy to hide Racism by calling it Political Policy or Patriotism, but only the "Low Information People", that they target fall for this shit.

Those of us who are more familiar with History, (especially when it comes to Politics in America), as well as Racism in America know better.

National Healthcare, Reestablishing Relations with Cuba,Gay Rights, Woman's Rights, Civil Rights, Law Enforcement Reform and now an agreement to monitor and more effectively prevent Iran from stockpiling Nuclear Weapons to use against us and other countries in the region are really Significant, Historical and Transformative accomplishments for a president.

And in spite of all the Fear, Hate and Loathing that the Right Wing has slung at this president for the past 7 years; many of the things that his administration have accomplished have actually benefited the Majority of Americans who are not Rich, Powerful, Well Connected of filled with so much Hate that they would rather suffer than give a Black Men credit for accomplishing great things.

Very little, (if any), of the resistance that President Obama has faced from the Racists on the Right has to do with Economics, Humanity, Defense or what's best for America.


So are we now going to destroy a deal that is not perfect in favor of starting another war to kill even more Americans and spend even more money that we are always told that we don't have?

When we are already having trouble taking care of our Sick and Wounded Soldiers and the families of those killed in Senseless Wars?

Has 911 and the subsequent events that followed taught Hate Mongers and War Mongers anything?


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