Thursday, July 9, 2015

Shhh! Stop Telling The Country What We're Really All About.

It might cost us another election.

This Racist

Called this Racist to ask him to tone down his Hateful Immigrant Rhetoric.

But for those of us, (including the President), who know that changing the words that you say and how you say them does not change the Racist Hateful Policies that the Modern Republican Party is known for, neither do they change anything for the better for this country as a whole.

It's just Deception and Mass Hypnosis.

And throughout Modern Political History, I've seen this work against Minorities, Poor People, Sick People, Poor Children, Seniors who have paid their dues and most definitely, Soldiers and their Families.

What's even more amazing is how they can get people who are Blinded by the Hatred that they Preach and Practice will actually vote against their own best interest to hurt others, because "Haters" need to have someone or something to hate.

But! If you're interested in making this country and this world a better place in which to live; do not listen to what these people say, (and that goes for Democrats as well), but watch what they do and remember what they have done prior to the elections.

Toning down the Racists Hatred that the Republican Party is known for only serves to lull the masses into a False Sense of Security and implant the belief that "we're doing what's best for the American People".

However, the Truth can be found in the Polices that they implement.

Don't listen to the toned down Rhetoric.

Pay attention to the polices that have been and remain on the verge of Dividing and Destroying Average American Citizens who cannot afford to go into Underground Bunkers, or hide behind fences and gates with Heavily Armed Guards or just hop on a Jet Plane to an Island Paradise to escape from the destruction that they have caused.

Your best protection against this destruction is to pay attention to who is doing what behind the words that they are speaking; and vote and support that candidate accordingly.