Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hey Republicans! Where Was Your Outrage When "The Donald" Was Spewing This Hate?

Wanh, whan, whan.

That's all I hear from Republicans today when they talk about their Creation of Hate: Donald Trump.

Where was your outrage when this man who you all placed on a pedestal, begged for money from , kissed his ring and kissed his ass, was spreading Hateful and Fictitious Statements about the President of the United States of America.

He lied about the place of his birth, his intelligence and his ability to effectively lead this nation, (because he is BLACK).

Racism, Sexism, Class Wars, Cultural Wars, Lies, Hatred and Deceit is what he was spreading then, and it it what he is spreading now.

So why yawl Bitching and Moaning now?

Anyone want to know why they not only accepted this Hateful Rhetoric then, and actually encouraged, promoted and defended it?

It's because they were, and still are, in total agreement with everything that this man stands for and speaks of throughout this country now.

And if they believe that Americans are STUPID Enough, they will continue to try and distance themselves and make pretend that they are not being fairly and accurately represented by Donald Trump's Hateful, Racists Comments.

If you don't know, you better ask somebody.

Donald Trump is everything that the Republican Party was, is and will remain until it is destroyed.

If you are a Fair Minded, Decent Human Being who cares about other Human Beings no matter what their differences are that do not cause you harm, then please do not be fooled by this so called "change of heart). They have not changed.

These Assholes just want to deceive enough Americans into believing that they are something that their not so they can win a National Election for a change.

This is how they govern.

With Lies!


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