Thursday, November 1, 2012

The RightWing Is Eating Its Own

This Is How You Govern For The Benefit Of The American People

The most important election of our time is only 5 days away.

And as a reality check to the Rightwing Idiocy which teaches and preaches that we don't need each other, we shouldn't love and be concerned for our fellow man, and that we, (all of a sudden), do not need a government, (especially one that features a black at the head of it), GOD sent us a sign named Sarah, to bring us all back into alignment with the true nature of the universe, this world and this country.

And as a result of Sarah, 2 men who would normally be on the opposite side of the political fence, had to come together for the good of American Citizens in New Jersey, who had experienced great, uncontrollable loss and pain in their lives as the result of a Natural Disaster.

And as these 2 man did what they had to do for the health, safety and recovery of the people of this country who were hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy; the Rightwing Idiologues were busy showing their true colors again; by spewing hateful rhetoric towards these 2 politicians who were actually doing the very thing that is absolutely necessary for the survival and growth of our nation as a whole. And this is the one thing that has been completely absent in the Republican Dominated House since President Obama took office

Compromise..... These hateful bastards have done eveything that they could possibly do to destroy this presidency out of hatred, greed, selfishness and yes! Racism.

Mainly Racism.

So now the Rightwing is mad as hell, because instead of Chris Christie saying: "I absolutely refuse to let a black man help me, help the citizens of the state of New Jersey, who elected me for just that reason",I guess he was supposed to just keep the Hate Train rolling full spead ahead,), and refuse the help of FEMA, (One of the many Federal Agencies that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party want to eliminate), which they will do if we are so Poltically Apathetic as to allow them to.

Rush Limbaugh, (The Leader of the Rightwing Conservative Movement),has even went as far as accusing President Obama and Chris Christie of Homosexuality, because they spoke with deep admiration and respect for the excellent job being done by both of them to assist all of the citizens of New Jersey and all over this country who were hit hard by Sarah.

So what does this illustrate about Republican Leadership?

It illustrates the point that I have been making since before Prsident Obama was even legally elected as the 44th. President of the United States of America: And that is: These Evil Bastards are operating out greed, dishonesty and hatred for the president because of his skin color as opposed to operating out of a genuine love for this country and its people.

That means that they will do anything to destory President Obama, even if it means destroying this entire country and all of the people in it. They really don't care who gets destroyed-as long as they can destroy this president.

We've seen examples of this time and again since President Obama took office.

Even when this country's government was on the verg of a shutdown, because of the Republican's insistence on keeping tax cuts for the rich alive and well long after they were set to expire by the president who put them in place, (George W. Bush), you know the one they don't like to mention; They sit back and opposed every compromise that President Obama put on the table, putting at risk, thousands of federal employee's, military personnel and poor and sick people's checks.

These Cold and Heartless Bastards, did not, do not and will never care about anyone but themselves

And to all of you Poor Republicans who they have fooled into following them; guess what?

When their finished using you to complete their evil plan towards president Obama, they will dispose of you also, because you may not want to believe or except it, but you are part of the 47% that Mitt Romney was telling his rich friends about in that "private meeting" that mistakenly became public.


You see! Even though you've been led to believe this-all of the 47% are not Black.

There just not rich,not powerful, and not well connected, just like you aren't.

But Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Elitist in the Republican Party will lie to you, cheat on you behind your back and then dispose of you when you no longer contribute to their quest for Unlimited and Unfettered Power and Domination.

Just ask "Other Michael Steel". So to all of you who are within the sound of my voice via this blog post, please do not let these Evil Bastards think that America is now a country where we are willing to accept lies, deciet and betrayal from our political leaders, and that we are willing to sit back and let them continue to press on towards Global Dominance.

Say "NO" to their Hateful, Greedy and Racist Agenda by saying "Yes" to Obama/Biden on Tuesday or sooner if possible.

Save America for all Americans-Not just a Chosen Few.


This Is How You Hate To Their Detriment

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