Monday, November 5, 2012

Another BIG Republican Lie

There is an ongoing lie that has always been perpetrated by Right Wing Conservatives, Republicans and White Supremacists about the Democratic way of life causing the decline of America’s Inner Cities.

This lie continues to be perpetuated to great heights during this current election cycle.

If you are politically or socially inexperienced and prone to these kinds of psychological attacks, rather you are a Republican or Democrat, please consider the following facts:

Drugs and violence has always been a major problem in our neighborhoods during both Democratic and Republican Rule. However, if you are older than 40 years old, you know that prior to the Reagan Years, no one owned corners, high rises or playgrounds from which they openly distributed drugs and committed acts of violence against the community.


Read on!

Prior to the Reagan years, there were not so many people who were home and unoccupied all day who had so much time on their hands that they used it in a manner that was self-destructive as well as being destructive to the community.

There was not an abundance of corner stores owned by Koreans and other Asians. This is not a slam of Koreans or other Asians, this is just fact. The majority of the stores in our community were Black Owned Mom & Pop Shops, White Owned Mom &Pop Shops, along with a sprinkling of Jewish Owned and Italian Owned Stores.

We also had many Black Small Business Men and Woman, and White, who owned shoe shops, Barber Shops and Restaurants that provided many of the youth in the community with their first job experiences, which helped train and prepare them with the necessary discipline for being successful in their chosen career fields.

We did not have so many Closed Society Immigrants who would not hire anyone except their families and their own kind.

Therefore, even though society at large was still like it is now, racist, prejudicial, hateful and very opposed to minorities making progress in life; our neighborhoods were self-sufficient in spite of the deplorable conditions that we had to face then and which we are currently facing again now, since the election or President Obama.

The reason why Black People were succeeding in spite of the negative conditions in this country was just the opposite of what Right Wing Conservatives would have you believe; which is one of many lies they are once again trying to sell to the American People.

And that lie is: The Democrats and their policies led to the decline of our Inner Cities.

The fact of the matter is that many Black People as well as other poor people who are now successful in life, did not get that way because of past, present and future Republicans proposed solutions, which includes, Rich People paying nothing or next to nothing in taxes and regular working stiffs paying almost all of what they earn in taxes, slowly phasing out all Entitlement Programs that help take care of Seniors and Sick People, and other assistance programs that offer Educational Assistance, Homeowner Assistance, Birth Control Assistance, Recreational Programs, Employment Assistance, Government Subsidized Jobs, Cultural Enlightenment Programs, etc. etc. etc.

You see, from 1961 to 1963, this country saw the uplifting of thousands of underprivileged individuals of all races because of Democratic Polices, Programs and Procedures in areas such as: Economic Development, Public Education, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Children’s Rights, Space Exploration and Programs for the original citizens of this nation, the Native Americans.

In other words, these Democratic Values increased the levels of Hope, Faith and Opportunities in our country in spite of the very dismal and bleak futures that many of these currently successful individuals had to face in their lives.

And I just got to say, when I see many of these Black Idiotic Republicans talking about destroying the same programs that they were beneficiaries of, and defending the hateful racist attacks of these Right Wing Hate Mongers and War Mongers, it makes me sick to my damn stomach. But I find peace in knowing that the Laws of Nature dictates that the things that you do will come back to you.

So as usual, this lie, like all of their lies, is diametrically opposed to the truth.

The fact of the matter is: (to those who deal in facts), that between 1961 and 1963, under President Kennedy, (A Democrat), the minorities in this country reached levels of success that were previously unheard of. But here is another fact, the Parasitical Elitist who have controlled the Republican Party since the late 1960’s, do not want minorities to thrive in this country. As a matter of fact, they would like to have the power to annihilate anyone who does not think, act, believe or do like they do.

The Republican Party engaged in an attack on African Americans in this country by implementing a program that they called “The Southern Strategy”, which utilized White People’s Hatred, Fear and Ignorance of the Humanity of Black People as a catalyst for separating the Republican Party from the Black Race and changing it from the party that opposed slavery under Abraham Lincoln to what we’ve had since the early 1960’s, evolving into what we have now, which is the Racially Motivated Tea Party, which was formed as a counter attack against the election of President Barack Obama, America’s First African American President.

Don’t let them fool you with the cover story of working for “Smaller Governments”, “Lowered Spending and less interference of the Government in the lives of our citizens. You cannot get any more involved in a citizen’s life than controlling a woman’s womb or controlling who loves who, or controlling how, when and why people have sex.

The Tea Party has one purpose and one purpose only, “To Make This President a One-Term President”, at any and all costs, even if that means destroying everything and everybody, (except them), in this country.

And they don’t mind using uneducated, hate filled Ignoramuses to do it. Here are the facts: if you are a Middle Class American or a Poor American, it doesn’t matter rather you are Black, White, Yellow, Red or Brown, The Republican Agenda has nothing for you, your community, your family, friends or your future.

The current leader of the Republican Party Ticket, Mitt Romney, thinks that “Patriotism”, (which used to mean love of a country, including its citizens), has changed that definition to mean: “I’m rich, getting richer, making my rich and powerful friends richer and more powerful, and if I have to buy companies, close them down and put “My Fellow Americans” in the Unemployment Line” then that is what I will continue to do, because this is the true measure of success in America.

And to add insult to injury, once your job is “Outsourced”, or “Offshored”, Mitt Romney thinks that you should not be able to get Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, Educational Assistance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or any of the other Safety Nets that have helped the Middle Class in times of need, and that have helped, (those who desire to do so), to move from the ranks of the Poor, Uneducated, Sick and Unemployed into the American Middle Class.

So on November 6, we all have a moral obligation to ourselves, our communities, our families, friends and our country.

We have the power in our hands, (in spite of all the big Corporate Money being spent), to preserve and protect the progress that we as a country have made over the past 50+ years, (out of the Dark Ages), or to allow a group of people who only care about themselves, their families, friends and associates, (not yours), and Greed, not just profit, to change how we live, and not in a positive manner.

On November 6, our votes will determine if we are going to continue to be a great and powerful nation, or a nation where a few live lavish lives, and the rest of us live like citizens of a Third World Country.

I sure hope that we will use our strength in numbers to not let that happen.

Mitt Romney’s Economic Policies in Action:

He profits rather you can provide your family with shelter, food or healthcare or not.

What a sweet deal for Mitt Romney and those like him!


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