Saturday, November 10, 2012


First of all, I am sick and tired of hearing Republicans and especially Democrats and Progressives, talking about “what we need to do”; which is to “work together with Republicans to find common ground for the good of the country”.

For the Republicans, it’s hypocrisy.

For the Democrats it’s redundant, ineffective and counterproductive.

Have we not been here before?

Democrats and Progressives have always known that we had to work with the competing party for the good of the country. And before Barack Obama became president of the United States of America, (for the most part), they did.

So now President Obama and the Democrats have had a Mandate Election this year, and the people of America have decided against Hatred, Greed, Lack of Cooperation, Racism and Stupidity by reelecting President Obama to a 2nd. Term.

The people who voted for Democrats during this election want something that they have not been able to get for the past 4 years, and that is Results!

This lack of results is not the fault of President Obama and the Democrats failure to try and work with House and Senate Republicans. Although there is a very popular Talking Point, (Lie), among Republicans claiming that they have tried and tried to work with Democrats on the most important issues of our time, and that the president and the democrats have refused to compromise, which is a BIG DAMN LIE.

The fact of the matter is: The Republicans Definition of “Compromise”, means surrendering all our Democratic Values to their antiquated policies, procedures and world views to the detriment of Average American Citizens, while they concede nothing.

That’s because internationally famous Racists like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor and a host of others set this gridlock into motion so that President Obama would fail; even before he had a chance to try and fix the mess that Republicans had left him from the previous administration.

But this past November 6, 2012, The American People decisively said No! To making a president who has been doing the best he can with what he has to work with, (which is a bunch of Racist Republican Pieces of Shit), to fail.

When I heard John Boehner say after the election that he is willing to work with Democrats on a plan to avoid the Fiscal Cliff that is rapidly approaching, and on other important issues, I was not moved at all by this BS, because it was the same BS that I heard from him after the First Election of President Obama.

And then what did they do?

They held the American People Hostage and caused America to lose its AAA Credit Rating in the world, because President Obama wanted to let the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich expire, which is what President Bush intended them to do when he implemented them.

But instead of taking back tax breaks that were not meant to be permanent in the first place, from the people who need them the least, they chose to intimidate the president by placing the American People in jeopardy in order to remain faithful to another Conservative Idiot that is not even a government official by the name of Grover Norquist, who made them sign a pledge stating that they would never raise taxes, especially on the “Job Creators”, who have not been creating many jobs over the past 12 years.

But regardless of this Racism and Deliberate Gridlock on the part of Republicans, the president has miraculously been able to pass some Landmark Legislation that has and will continue to benefit millions of Americans, such as The Affordable Healthcare Act, or as the Racist Republicans refer to it:


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for Woman

The Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Wall Street and Banking Industry Reform, Laws to protect and sustain our environment; and other Significant and Historical Legislation as well as a record number of Female Appointments to the Supreme Court and in other important positions within his administration.

So since President Obama has the best interest of the American People at the heart of his policies, he made some concessions to these idiots that many of us in his base were not pleased with, (to say the least). And now I am hearing these ramblings in the media, (both Conservative, Liberal and “Neutral”), about this fight coming up that deals with the Fiscal Cliff that America is about to fall off of, and about other crucial issues that can only be resolved through “Compromise”, which seems to be profanity to Conservatives.

I say all of that to say this: I know that Conservatives are not really living in the real world, and that “The Truth” and “Facts” are disposable commodities for them. And as such, people like Karl Rove, Donald Trump and Sheldon Abelson in conjunction with their one and only Fools Media Outlet-FOX News, are trying to DE mandate the Mandate. So it is up to those of us whose brains are wired correctly, (rather they be Conservatives, Liberals or Independents), to fight for and protect the truth in these upcoming battles.

And the truth is this:

We won the election; and won it big.

So Republicans should not anticipate any one sided massive concessions on our Democratic Principals.

The people of America have spoken loud and clear about what they want and do not want.

So if anything, the Republicans are the ones who need to make major concessions now.

The Republican Party in its current form is not relevant to, or effective in, solving the plethora of complex problems as they relate to the realities of life for the majority of Americans in our country in Present Day Society.

This is no longer a “Lilly White Male Society” where Lilly White Man can get away with whatever they want to, no matter how Hateful, Stupid, Inhumane, Immoral or Criminal these things may be.

It doesn’t matter what all of you think, wish, or try to speak into existence with your Hatred; Ignorance of Science, Facts, Math- and people who are different from you.

The physical world does exist, and so do the many beautiful people of all kinds in it, who made it clear to all of you that they don’t want what your party has been selling for far too long in this country.

They don’t want the Hatred; the Greed, the Racism, the Lies, the False Attacks, or you’re Constant Catering to only the Rich, the Powerful and the White.

And I realize from experience what happens when lies suddenly collide with indisputable truth:

It hurts really bad and it leaves the victims dazed, confused and disoriented.

This is why the Republicans are still trying to explain their losses in a manner that makes it about something other than them.

But you don’t need a degree in journalism to recognize the simple reasons why Republicans lost.

So stop trying to use Fancy Analogies and Complicated Political Analysis to explain it.

1. It was because Democrats and Progressives stopped being afraid and ashamed of being Democrats and Progressives, and began to speak about and protect the values of this large and varied group of people.

2. Republicans continued to present their Antiquated Policies of Lies, Hatred, Greed, Racism, Sexism, Class Warfare, Division and Stupidity. And they attempted to imprint these dark human characteristics on President Obama’s Administration and the people who were supporting him.

We who don’t have degrees just call that lying.

Mitt Romney lied about everything in the universe except his unhealthy desire for power, prestige and control, which he let slip out when he was not on guard.

He behaved like somebody who was being interrogated at the police station after police pulled him over and found 10 kilos of cocaine in his trunk- As if his life and freedom depended on it.

And I don’t know about you! But this made me think: If he will lie about trivial things like the words that he said just hours earlier; what lies will he tell once he is given power and control of this country and its economy.

Imagine my amusement when I heard Karl Rove say yesterday that President Obama won due to “Voter Suppression”. LOL!

Once again here is another Republican Idiot who is trying to Rewrite History by accusing our side of the very thing that they have been attempting, (apparently unsuccessfully), to do in the past, and more recently, since President Obama “Legally” won the election in 2008.

And to all of you Democratic Senators and Congressman who lean Right, because of your Racist Attitudes towards The President, we’ll be watching you too; because I noticed that in 2010, there were a lot of you who were behaving like Republicans because you are racists too, and because you were representing Racist Republican Districts.

I understand that it is your job to represent the people in your districts.

But I hope that you will be able to teach the people in your districts about the power of compromise when it comes to safely and effectively governing over anything-Especially the United States of America. Make them understand that compromise is necessary for the success of our nation as a whole.

I mean you are leaders.

Aren’t you?

And if you cannot lead as Democrats, then convert to Republicanism ;( which in some strange way is beginning to look like some form of cannibalism).

Mr. President, I think I speak for most of the people that I have met and talked to, who voted for you in 2012 when I say, we voted for you again to get the job done right, by any Legal, Constitutional and Presidential means necessary

So please Mr. President; do not give into the Republican’s Intimidation or Bait and Switch Techniques.

We reelected you to put America back on track.

We have your back Mr. President.

Do what you have to do to get the job done, and don’t let nobody turn you around.

There's No Recession For The Poor


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