Monday, November 19, 2012

“Stuff”! Is What Elections Are All About……

Dear Mitt Romney:

You Lost!

So now you and your running mate and the rest of your team want to desecrate President Obama for winning.

I have heard several conflicting theories as to why he won:

1. He won because “Those Urban People”, voted “like we never could have anticipated”.

First of all; who are “Those Urban People”?

Of course this is a rhetorical question because the country knows all too well what that means-especially the "minorities" in this country.

The only reason that this could have been a shock and surprise to you and your team is if you had inside information about Voter Repression, which is exactly the angle that you and the rest of your Rightwing Lug Nut Millionaire and Billionaire Friends were counting on.

They tried to buy Democracy and now you’re pissed off because you were forced to face the painful reality that Money can’t buy everything!

2. President Obama won because he targeted his base of people who were most likely to vote for him.

That’s called strategy.

Oh yea! It is also called Community organizing; a skill that you and people like you, (like Sarah Palin), ridicule as a Non-Applicable Skill.

I guess it’s not so funny now-Is it?

3. New Jersey Governer Chris Christie's honest assement of the job that he and President Obama were able to do on a bipartisan basis when his state what hit by a catastrophic emergency and found themselves in need of Federal Governement Assistance.

The very assistance that you Mitt Romney bragged about taking away from the American People

4. And Hurricane Sandy herself

If you really believe this, and you belive in All Mighty GOD, which the majority of you proclaim when it is beneficial for you to do so, then you all should really be frightened. Because if Mitt Romeny lost due to Hurrican Sandy, then that message did not come from the DNC or President Obama-It came from a much higher authority that it would serve you all to listen to.

I find it ironic that you all call yourselves "Evangelicals", and that you love, respect and follow The Lord with all of your body, mind and soul, but yet somehow, you always manage to overlook the parts of the bible that denounces hatred, greed, racism, nationalism and the care and feeding of the poor, the sick and the children.

But anyway!

The hypocrisy of you and your party has and continues to be so apparent to the human ears, eyes and to the hearts of people who want to be treated fairly in this country, and who want to see others have the benefit of being treated fairly as well.

So in one respect, I guess you are right.

President Obama is in the process of keeping his promises to the millions of people who voted for him, and as a result, America will be a kinder, gentler and fairer society for everyone-which is what America is actually supposed to be all about. So the only thing that you are upset about is the fact that President Obama won and is now distributing what you call “gifts” or “stuff” among the people of America-those who voted for him and those who did not.

Your problem is that you did not get the chance to give the gifts away to the rich that you promised like:

1. Tax Cuts for the Rich

2. Deregulation of dangerous and deadly industries like oil, (Koch Brothers & Company)

3. Deregulation of Wall Street

4. Deregulation of the Banking industry, drug industry, the health insurance industry and thousands of other corporations and rich people that you made pre-election promises to in return for allowing them to buy you and your campaign.

5. Using your presidency to block the creation and production of clean energy.

So you had some gifts in your satchel for the people that you represent; and so did the president.

So once again, (in what is a very rare occurrence for you), we heard you speaking the truth about how you really think, act and feel when you think no one’s looking.

It just goes to show how little you really think about people who are not rich like you.

So while you continue to lick you wounds, we will be busy receiving our gifts like:

1. Affordable Healthcare

2. Affordable Education

3. Racial, Sexual and Economic Equality

4. An end to unnecessary death and mutilation of our sons, daughters, husbands, wives and friends by ending unnecessary wars

5. Justice, Equality, Fairness and Opportunity for all of our citizens

Mitt you and the Republican Party lost because you and your party continue to cling to outdated, idiotic, oppressive viewpoints, Policies and procedures that are diametrically opposed to the way that the creator intended his creations to live,grow and prosper.

In other words, (like Communisim), your form of goverment goes against the grain of everything that the Better Angels of Human Nature are.

And In case you didn't know before November 6, 2012; (and apparently), judging from your behaviour prior to that date, you did not-now you know. In essence, Mitt: you lost because you and your party are a bunch of racist, sexist, classist, hypocritical idiots who think that you can succeed in this great nation of ours, while creating circumstances, situations and an overall environment that will cause everyone else to fail.

So if you all are still looking for the reasons why you lost, you need look no further then your mirrors.

Republicans are the reason that Republicans lost this election.

America said Hell No!

So all I want to say to you Mitt and your Republican Party Friends who are now publically voicing the contempt that they have had for you all the long is:

Have a very Merry Christmas!


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