Thursday, May 4, 2017

What Kind Of Human Beings Want To See People Get Sick And Die?

The Kind That Is Not!

So after they repealed Obamacare; (not because they couldn't fix it), but because Donald J. Trump and Republicans HATE the fact that a Black Man became President of the United States; and they are obsessed with him. They then jumped on Trump's Little Bus like Good LIttle Boys & Girls to attend a party to celebrate passing a bill that will throw millions of people off of Healthcare who have Preexisting Conditions and those who cannot afford the Republican's High Priced Plan to benefit the Rich by using the Repeal of Obamacare to give them a sneaky ass massive tax cut.

And just like in Standard Republican Practice-to make sure that they do something that will benefit the insurance companies as opposed to the people who are sick.

And did I fail to mention the fact that this bill passed in the house only and is not a victory for them yet, because it still has to pass the Senate, and still has to stand up to The Resistance of the American People.

So! What did we learn by observing today's Hateful Display?

We learned that the Republican Members of Congress, (at least those on the house side), do not work for the American People. They are Trump Flunkies who lie for him constantly, do not stand up to him as a separate branch of government, and who will blindly and dangerously do exactly what he tells them to do: (instead of what is best for the Majority of Americans).

They are not concerned with helping the people of this country.

They are RAcists who want to undo everything that the First African American President accomplished because their Hatred of him is more powerful than their "Love of Country".

They Hate this man so much that they are even willing to undo everything he's done to protect the Environment by allowing Mega Corporations and Millionaires and Billionaires to poison our Air, Water and Soil as much as and anywhere they want, which was not possible under the laws that President Obama's EPA had in place.

They want Murderers with Badges to continue to commit Violent Genocide against African Americans and other People of Color with impunity.

Don't let Republican Double Talk confuse you.

"Access To Healthcare" is not the same thing as "Being Able To Afford Healthcare".

Make sure you know the difference!

They don't want to "Make America Great Again".

They want to "Make America Hate Again".

And if you have been paying attention to the spike in Racist Attacks and Violence being committed against people who are not what these Racist consider America to be-(WHiTE); you will realize that Donald Trump's Hate Mandate is working just like he wants it to.

It's up to those of us who refuse to Bathe in the Stench of Racial Hatred all over again to stop them.

Donald Trump must be Impeached, Removed from Office and Criminally Prosecuted for Committing Crimes Against America and the American People for using the Office of the Presidency of the United States to generate profits for his and his family's businesses-in addition to his and his cohorts collusion with Russia, (which is Treason).

Emoluments Clause of the Constitution

Don't let Trump's beating of the War Drums and all of his other diversions,(including his unwarranted attack on Obamacare), distract you from his crimes.

Because this is the only reason that he's doing all of these things.

Stand Up & Unite Now!


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