Thursday, May 18, 2017

Important Lessons From 2016 For 2018 & 2020

White Racists Are Protecting Trump Because They Believe He Is Protecting Them!

Perhaps more people whose interests are currently being threatened by the Trump Administration should have done more to protect her.

Perhaps more people should have not let Donald Trump, The Russians, the White Racist Republican Leadership,(and even other Democrats or Independents who were not running for the benefit of the country), but for their own Personal Enrichment and Egos, convince them that they had to be Judge, Jury and Executioner of Hillary Clinton.

Perhaps, too many people should have not denied the fact that Elections are still the way that we determine who will have power in this country and who will not. And perhaps they should not let the Trumptopian Mind Control practiced by their campaign convince them that voting for candidates that had absolutely no chance of winning was a "Vote of Conscious".

No! It was a vote for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the result.

And this is why the country is in such Turmoil, Disarray and quite frankly, Serious Danger.

I truly believe that Hillary Clinton, (who also has Human Deficiencies), like we all do, would not have taken America to the Brink of Destruction - which is where we are now because we allowed Donald Trump to win the 2016 Election, surround himself with every criminal that he could find, (including those in his family), for no other reason than to help him increase his wealth and his family's wealth at the expense of and to the detriment of the American People.

And the new Executive Order by Donald Trump that establishes a commission to investigate "Voter Fraud" is just a Systematic Program to Increase Voter Suppression, which is the real issue for African Americans and other People of Color in this country.


Because you successfully made a Black Man President Twice. And and every group of people who voted for President Obama has been targeted by these Racists to stop them from voting again.

This list includes: Seniors, African Americans, Young People, College Students, Latinos, Hispanics and other People of Color. And also, White People who are just Fair Minded American Citizens who want what is best for the country and for all those who are in it no matter what their race is.

In addition Attorney General, Jeff Sessions has given your Local Police Departments the authority to Overcharge Non Violent Drug Offenders and to Kill Our People with Impunity, because he does not want to hurt the feelings of police officers.

He thinks that punishing Policeman for Cold Blooded Murder is bad for their morale.

As if seeing our Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Children Husbands and Wives Hunted, Shot Down in Cold Blood helps our damn morale.

But I guess if our lives are not important to them; then how we feel about them taking our lives under the same or similar circumstance where White People get the chance to be arrested and tried in court; then why would how we feel matter any damn way?

From here on out, please always remember that Republicans are excellent at getting Poor White People to vote against their own interests. And then after they are elected, they go right back to serving Exxonmobil, BP, General Electric, Westinghouse and other Millionaires, Billionaires and Mega Corporations like Koch Industries, leaving Poor White Folks Well! - Poor and White.

The 2016 Elections were fixed by so many Dark & Evil Forces that we could not overcome them with the Limited Amount of Force that we exerted in the 2010 and 2014 Elections, which is what gave these Serial Racists the power to control our Election Boards to allow them to Suppress The Vote of those that they do not want to vote- which is a local matter that can only be addressed during the Midterm Elections.

We did not vote in these elections in mass; which is something that we should always do if we hope to maintain a Balance of Power that allows us to get the things that we need for our Families and Communities as well.

We have got to regain control of the progress that we experienced under President Obama which was meant for all Americans and not just the few that Donald Trump is trying to convince that he is their friend.

Just in case you have awaken from Trump's Mass Hypnosis Campaign; let me tell you that unless you are Rich, Powerful and Well Connected - He is not!

If you are not registered to vote, please get registered to vote now for the 2018 Midterm Elections and for the 2020 Presidential Elections.

Register To Vote Here!

If you are registered to vote, please take part in disassembling the Trump Administration brick by brick.

The people who are currently at the head of our Government are very Hateful, Racist, Dishonest, Evil, Greedy and Dangerous to the Majority of People in this Country.

They must be stopped.

And because Republicans are more interested in protecting their Lilly White Party and Protecting White Supremacy and White Privilege as opposed to the Health, Safety, Security and Survival of America as a whole-then removing them is up to all of us who are not like them - No matter what walk of life we're from.

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

Click Here Now To Join The Movement.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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