Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Donald Trump Fires James Comey Hoping To Make Russia Go Away

James Comey

1. Since when did Republicans give a damn about any Clinton including Chelsea, (even as a child), being wronged, accused falsely or mistreated badly by anyone?

2. Did you hear the derogatory comments that Donald Trump made against Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail to turn his Trumpites Emotional Brain Centers on, while at the same time turning their Logical Brain Centers off?

3. Do you know that their are a significant number of people in the Trump Administration that have proven financial and other ties to Russia-including Donald Trump himself?

4. Are you aware of the fact that the man that Donald Trump fired yesterday; FBI Director, James Comey, has several investigations open against a significant number of people in the Trump Administration that have proven financial and other ties to Russia-including Donald Trump himself?

If you are not one of a small subset of Ignoramuses in this country that will blindly follow Donald Trump to the Detriment and Destruction of our country and themselves and their families as well, then you know that something stinks here.

Don't get me wrong.

I am no big fan of James Comey after he helped destroy HIllary Clinton's chances of winning the 2016 Presidential Election.

But I still didn't like the way that Trump went about his termination.

But I do understand that they had to ransack his office looking for anything that can convict them.

Like there's only one copy of every Government Document ever created, LOL.

And don't forget those bread crumbs left behind by the guy that you hate because he's Black.

However, in spite of the False Narratives that Trumpites are trying to impose upon those who have no brains in this country - 2 or more things can be true at the same time.

If you have been paying close attention to what has been going on since this Idiot became president, then you would have noticed that everybody who was involved in the investigation of Russia's involvement in fixing the 2016 election in Donald Trump's favor, and the connections between him and his campaign staff's ties to Russia and Trump's business dealings with Russia, were quickly removed as soon as they had revelations that tracked these illegal activities right back to him.

And yesterday's firing of FBI Director, James Comey, (who publically acknowledged the fact that he is indeed investigating members of Trump's campaign staff for Potential Criminal and Treason Charges last week), was fired a week later over 8 months after James Comey sent the letter to congress announcing that he was reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails.

Sally Yates was fired on January 30 after refusing to go along with his Unconstitutional Muslim Band, (Wink! Wink!).

She was also Acting Director of the Justice Department and was on course to investigate Trump and his campaign staff for their criminal behaviours before Trump replaced her with his Personal Ernest T. Bass Puppet, Jeff Sessions.

She was actually fired because she had critical information about Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, and his ties to Russia's Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that could allow him to be Blackmailed.

Because of all the controversy that surrounded these accusations, which Yates, (in the performance of her job), warned the White House about; Flynn turned in his resignation on February 13, about a week after these revelations from Sally Yates came to light.

The next victim of Trump's Coverup was Preet Bharara, former U.S. attorney from the Obama administration.In March, Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked 46 federal prosecutors to resign. Bharara said no, because Trump asked him to stay on. On March 11, he was fired by Donald Trump. He was also leaning toward supporting the investigation of Russia's ties to the Trump Administration.

On May 5, Angella Reid,Chief Usher at the White House was fired. No specific reason was given for the firing which is rare, since staff members like this usually work for several administrations from several parties for many years.

Now even though no reason was not given, I am going to base this hypothesis on Donald Trump's Past and Present Behaviors: When you are guilty and have something to hide that can put you in jail for a very long time, you cannot take the chance of having anyone around who was loyal to the previous president, who might see or overhear something that could put your ass in jail.

I mean after all, it was a lowly security guard at DNC Headquarters who discovered the Watergate Break In.

Frank Wills


I think that it would be hilarious if someone like the Chief Usher at the White House, (who is the kind of person that he really does not have any respect for), was the cause for him to be sentenced to life in prison for crimes against his country.

And then yesterday James Comey was fired by Donald Trump at the recommendation of Jeff Sessions who has recused himself from participating in any investigations related to Trump's involvement with Russia, or anything to do with Hillary Clinton.

Although James Comey did conduct himself in a very unconventional manner as far as the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal WAS concerned, as well in several other matters; I think that if these violations were that serious, why did Trump wait until one week after Comey testified to the fact that he could not answer publically the question of rather Donald Trump was under investigation or not, which in the world of Top Secret Matters does not mean no.

So what do we have here?

We have a Serious Constitutional Crises that could rip this country apart unlike anything seen since Nixon's Watergate.

And whose responsibility is it to take action when the people who supposedly enforce our laws are unlawful themselves?

Its on us.

"We The People".

So please perform your Civic Duty.

Do something now that is within your control

Please Sign The Petition. Thank you,

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

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