Monday, August 1, 2016

Thank You For Your Sacrifices Mr. & Mrs. Khan

I'd like to thank your son for doing something that average guys like me were just not made to do.

He walked into the face of destruction and death to protect the lives of his Fellow American Solders in defense of the United States of America.

Not only is this Muslim and his family far greater Americans than you will ever be Donald Trump. But they have given more to improve America, instead of using lies, deceit, betrayal, greed and Racism to destroy other human beings only to serve and enhance the riches of yourself.

Do not try to turn your attacks around and divert attention from your attack of the truth coming from Mr. Khan, who like every other American has the right to share their truths by changing the focus of your insults to "Islamic Radical Terrorism".

You're usually pretty expert at "Slight of Hand". But not this time Trump, with the exception of your Cult Members who are totally blind, ignorant, hateful, violent and racist.

President Obama, you, or any other Competent President before you, could not determine with 100% accuracy where, how and when an attempted attack will be made in order to prevent every attack in this country and around the world.

And the fact that you have Brain Washed so many people into thinking that you can is quite frightening indeed.

Thank you Mr. Khan for clearly pointing out the Dangerous Fraud that Donald Trump is to this nation; with the exception to those who have been hopelessly programmed to believe everything that he says as "Truth".

And you Mr and Mrs Khan are Honorable American Citizens more so than some of the many "False Patriots", like Donald Trump and those who follow him.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice to America.

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