Thursday, June 23, 2016

Way To Disrupt For A Good Cause Democrats

Need I remind you of the stunts that you were a part of during President Obama's entire term, (driven by Hatred, Racism & Greed)?

Man! You actually washed pots with your family at a place where Homeless People come for a meal, just so you could try and convince Black People and other Minorities that you "cared for the poor", to try and entice them out of their votes.

Didn't happen did it?

Paul, you have a lot of nerve talking about raising money as a "Political Stunt", as many times as you Republicans raised money on Abortion, Gun Slaughters, Anti Gay Sentiment, 2nd. Amendment Rights, Religious Freedom and even Benghazi at the expense of the people who died in that tragedy that you all lied about caring so much for- etc, etc, etc.

And also shutting down the government twice; (once with "Green Eggs & Ham").

Not allowing votes to come to the floor on very important issues like Police Brutality, Racial Bias and Discrimination in such "Constitutional Matters" as The Right to Vote and Women's Reproductive Rights, Healthcare, Gun Control and the list goes on and on for the past 8 years.

Now I know that history shows that this foolishness with the "People's Business" has been going on a long time in Republican Circles, but I noticed a sharp rise in the Republican's willingness to "Do Nothing" since November 4, 2008.

As a matter of fact, both Houses of Congress got so good at doing nothing that it earned yawl the title for 2 consecutive terms in a row as the "Do Nothing Congress".

Now in the interest of full disclosure, there were some Lazy Democrats included in this as well.

But Republicans won the Championship for "Doing Nothing" and Saying "No" to the First African American President and in effect, the American People.

Just like you are doing anything on Gun Control now, which the Overwhelming Majority of American Citizens want-Including Members of the NRA.

And those in the know, know why!

Why? Because the NRA no longer represents its members or the American People.

The now represent the Gun Manufacturers and the Majority of Republicans are Bought and paid for by them.

The Do Nothing Congress

The Weekly Standard

And many of the issues that you did nothing on were very important issues to the Vast Majority of Average American Citizens, like not letting the U.S. Government Default on its Debt Payments, twice.

And now you've got the nerve to redefine this protest that was put together in a effort to get something done that you Republicans have and continue to do nothing about in a negative light, because Democrats Finally did something that they should have had the Balls to do from year 1 of President Obama's Term.

Paul, this may play well to the FOX News Crowd of Low to No Information Voters. Or to the Politically Apathetic in this country, (who don't want to be bothered with paying attention to these kinds of Misrepresentations of the Truth) that your party has been presenting to the public for far too long; but those of us who know your party's Record, History and the Dirty Deeds that it has done over the years for the Rich, Powerful and the Well Connected in this country, know better.

And I sincerely hope that come this November, enough people have and will be paying the kind of attention to your party and its deeds that will make this election bite all of you in your Greedy, Racist, Corrupt Asses with Severe Losses in The Whitehouse, The Senate and The House.

And I have one final question for you and the rest of your Republican Associates: How in the hell do you take a break from doing nothing?

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