Sunday, June 12, 2016

Let's Be Honest.........They All Lie

Let's dispel the myth of the "Perfect Political Candidate".

Rather it be Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump-They all lie.

And the reason that they all lie and have faults and are imperfect is because their all human.

It is time for Reasonably Intelligent, Common Sense Human Beings to stop putting other Fallible, Finite Human Beings on Pedestals of Divinity.

Doctors, Lawyers, Policeman, Fireman, Preachers, Teachers, Politicians, Celebrities etc, are the same as you and me. And when you choose one to be your friend or to support for any purpose; you have to choose them just like you choose the people in real life that you choose to associate yourselves with - or not!

This is particularly true when it comes to choosing a person for president or for any other office of importance where the choice can have a direct positive or negative effect on your life and the lives of those whom you love.

I say that now, because we have a very important and possibly life altering election coming up very soon. And it is my hope that we don't put "Perfection" on the ballot, and that we as human beings will not use imperfection as an excuse to not participate in the process of electing a president that will shape this country for generations to come; either positively or negatively.

So with that being said, I just want to point out the fact that the person who tells the most lies about issues that are detrimental to our country as a whole, are the most dangerous for the country.

You're not going to find anyone who is perfect but; you are going to have a choice between those who lie to protect themselves against attacks, false or real as opposed to those who will say and do anything just to further their own selfish and dangerous ambitions.

Case in point:

Compare this narrative to the narrative that you are currently hearing from this person and you will find that this person's lies are very destructive and dangerous to the majority of people in this country.

This guy is the biggest and most dangerous liar currently running for president and should definitely be scrutinized with a fine tooth comb before you vote for him.

And if you are an African American who is considering voting for this Ignoramus, do not be fooled by his new found love for people of color.

"If Black Lives Don't Matter,Then Go Back To Africa".

Whenever we deal with other human beings on any level, it is always a choice of dealing with the lesser of however many evils that you have to choose from.

Right now, you basically only have 2 to choose from, which should make your job a little easier.

Finally! Let me admit that all of these candidates want the power of the presidency in their hands.

But the trick is to choose the person who wants to use that power for mostly good as opposed to mostly evil. (And notice the operative word here is mostly).

I really don't think that it is a good thing to give people power like the Office of the Presidency who say things like "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and wouldn't lose any votes".

Or, "When I become President I am going to get you"-Referring to the Media.

As well as, "All the people who are not supporting me will not have access to the White house"

These are the kinds of things that dictators say in communist countries where the government owns and controls the media and everything else.

Remember, there are no Perfect Politicians because there are no Perfect People.

Our job is to choose the lesser of 2 evils, and the one who can do most of what they say they can do; keeping in mind that people who will say and do anything to obtain power, will say and do anything to keep it; including some things that go beyond just lying that could be considered criminal.

So choose wisely!

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