Monday, March 21, 2016

Whoops! He Did Again.........Make History That Is.

For the first time in 88 years, an American President, (President Barack Obama), visited Cuba in an effort to establish working relationships with our Planetary Neighbors around the globe.

Already, Conservatives and Conservative Sympathizers are criticizing the President's visit, by complaining about Raul Castro's Accurate Assessment of America's Human Rights Violations, which most conservatives are completely blind to because it is not in their DNA to care about others.

Time Line of Black Unarmed People Killed by Police last year

Courtesy of Buzz Feed News

Unequal Pay For Woman

Courtesy The Whitehouse

Republicans Try to Take Away Healthcare from Millions Including Reproductive Services for Woman-Again!

Violations of Gay Rights, Woman Rights, Disabled Rights, Veteran's Rights, Sick People's Rights, Elderly Rights, Poor People's Rights, etc, etc, etc. Yes! Cuba does have some serous Human Rights Violations as does many countries around the world, so is that an excuse for not trying to change things in the world for the better.

According to Republicans it is.

There solution for solving America's Problems is just to do nothing, except the things that benefit the Rich and Powerful People and Corporations.

And now they want to criticize anybody, (especially President Obama), for trying to make the country and the world a better place.

And I just finished listening to their leading candidate for the Republican Presidential Nomination on TV,(Donald Trump), and the only thing that he could talk about was his new hotel in Washington, DC,(in other words himself), not the problems that the American People are currently facing- the fixtures, the windows, the doors, the walls the floors the people he is hiring and how great this hotel is going to make America for those who love America.

While he's talking about himself, President Obama is trying to make progress between 2 countries for the benefit of America as well as for Cuba.

But the Republicans have a completely different agenda for America, and it involves making progress only for certain people who they deem worthy of their time.

And now they are trying to claim that Donald Trump does not represent the Republican Party, which is totally false.

He represents everything the Republican Party stands for but are too afraid to say.

Congratulations President Obama on another Historical Accomplishment in spite of the Republicans insistence on making you fail.

Remember Mr. President, Haters gonna Hate.......

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