Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Republican Party Will Not Tolerate Bigotry? What...............................................???

Your Republican Party thought that it was so cute and appealing when Donald Trump was running all over the country spreading Birther-ism and Racism against the 44th. President of the United States of America, (which just happened to be Black).

So, where was your disgust and outrage then.

Donald Trump is what Republicans have and continue to stand for in this country, and now that you created this monster, by not correcting him from the start, instead of supporting and promoting him, you now want to distance yourselves from him.

Donald Trump is like the child that does really bad things and the adoring parents sit back and say, "Oh that's so cute"; until he grows up and murders them.

Donald Trump is the Antisocial, Narcissistic Republican Baby that was Birthed by the Republican Party and now yawl are stuck with him.

So Mr. Speaker, who do you think you're fooling?

"I'm not saying that all Republicans are Racists, I'm just saying that if your a Racist, then you are probably a Republican", (Bill Maher).

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