Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do You Think You Can Trust Anything That This Man Says?

I say Hell No!

This is not an endorsement for Donald Trump by any means; and definitely not an endorsement for the Republican Party, (which I consider to be very dangerous for the vast majority of Americans).

What I am simply saying is, that these people have No Morals, No Values, No Principals, No Loyalty and No Honesty; and they cannot be trusted.

If they will turn on each other like this, imagine how they will turn on you America.

And they do all these things, (not because they love All Americans), and want what's best for the country as a whole, they do it because they are Power Hungry, Greedy, Deceptive, Hateful; and they will say or do anything and hurt anybody just so they can win.

That is not love of country.

Here's why you cannot believe anything this man says.

Do you think that this man does or says anything that benefits anybody but him?

As a matter of fact, do you think that there are a large number of Republicans who say anything that benefits people other than themselves?

If you do then you are currently under the Republican Party's Ongoing Mass Hypnosis Campaign.

99.9% of the current Republicans running for President are lying to steal the office, because they are pissed that America chose a Black Man for the White-house.

Republicans talking against RACISM in like the NRA talking against Guns.

Just because you don't use the Overtly Racist N-Word (a lot) anymore, there are still other Passive Ways to express Racism.

Never heard a Presidential Candidate or the Moderators for their debates do due diligence to the Black People of Ferguson, New York, Florida, Baltimore, Chicago, Flint Michigan or the many other states where Black People have and continue to be subjected to some of the most violent and Inhumane Treatment since Slavery.

So even though they don't use the N-Word Publicly as much as they used to, now Republicans show their Racists Attitudes towards Black People and other Minorities through Omission.

I know for sure that they have used it against President Obama, because I've heard it before myself, and if you don't believe me, just ask Paula Deen.

They just don't give a damn.

See what you can learn, (if anything); from tonight's Republican Debate.

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