Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Whose Fault Is It That 2 NYPD Police Officers Were Murdered?

Whose fault is it that Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were murdered on Saturday while sitting in a patrol car?

I've heard the NYPD blame Protesters who were exercising their right to speak out about the Unjust Murders of Black Men and Black Women all across America.

I've heard Mayor De Blasio blamed because he spoke the truth about how Black Men including his son have to be taught Special Survival Techniques,(that White Men do not have to worry about)-in America.

I've heard the Civil Rights Leaders of the nation who are demanding that these Unjust Murders of all people by police across this nation STOP, blamed.

I've heard the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder blamed because he spoke the truth in a Historically Accurate Manner about the strained relationships between Black Communities and Police Forces around the country, that have resulted in the Murders of far too many Black Men and Women.

And what really pissed them off is the fact that he put the spotlight on how even he, has been Racially Profiled by Law Enforcement Officials and other members of White Society, even though he was a Federal Prosecutor at the time.

And of course, they blamed President Obama, (which is nothing new and really not a surprise at all), because he too, shined a spotlight on the Racial Issues that not only still exist in America, but that have been intensified by the fact that the election of Black Officials to Top Government Positions, (including President of the United States), has created a Sense of Fear and Loss of Complete and Total Control over people whom they deem Inferior and that they once had complete and total control over as a result of Institutionalized Racism.

All of these people who they are blaming for these police murders called for "Non-Violent Protests", (which is a Constitutional Right afforded to all Americans), for the unjust murders of all of the Black Men and Women who evidence has shown, did not need to be murdered and left on the streets for hours like dead animals, while Paramedics not only did not attempt to help them, but who acted like they did not even want to touch them, (with gloves on).

So is it these people's fault that these police offers were killed because they spoke the truth about the continuing Racial Injustice in this country that inspires Law Enforcement and others to commit Senseless Acts of Violence and Murder?

Are we supposed to just let our people be murdered while we remain silent waiting for our turn to die?

Because that's the message I am decoding in their blame of the people who are willing to speak out against the types of Gang Mentality Murders that we have seen with our own eyes far too frequently in the last 6+Years.

You want us to deny the existence of Racial Problems that have and continue to exist in this country as a result of this societies reluctance to openly and honestly put it on display and intelligently, peacefully and logically discuss these problems for the purpose of finding an effective solution that prevents further loss of Black People's lives/

That's not going to happen!

Now let me just pause here to say that isn't it funny how those on the right who regularly Spew Hatred and Racially Charged Subliminal Calls to Action for Violence against People of Color in this country including the President, cry foul when those who represent the Victims of Violence, (many times at the hands of Police,speak their minds for Victims who cannot speak for themselves any longer because they are dead?

Why is it that these people feel that they have the Right to attack people who are Demanding Justice for all People when one of "Their Own" are Murdered?

The answer to that question is simple and is the essence of the problems in America that those with Power, Authority and Hatred created in the first damn place:

In America, some lives matter and some don't.

The reality is that, (there are still too many people and institutions including the "Just Us System"), that believe that Black Lives and other Minority Lives are not as Precious or Important as theirs. But none of us can afford to have that point of view shoved down our throats if we want to survive as a race of people and as a nation.

I know nothing about the 2 police officers who were murdered-I don't know if they were "Good Cops" or "Bad Cops". I don't know if they were "Clean Cops" or "Corrupt Cops", but whatever the case may be; I am sure that their families, friends and communities are hurting just as bad as the families, friends and communities of those black men and woman who have been killed over the past 6+ years in a manner that very closely resembles the violence of the Jim Crow Era.

But even if they were corrupt-they still did not deserve to die.

They should have been Arrested, Charged and Prosecuted under the law, which is the same thing that should have happened to Michael Brown, Eric Garner and all of the Black Men and Women who we have witnessed, (many on video and on TV), being unmercifully beaten and or murdered.

But what I would like to remind everyone who is reading this of, is the fact that, not talking about the Hatred, Violence and Racism that has invaded the Consciousness of America over the past 6+years, (including its infiltration of our Governments and Paramilitary Organizations such as the Police who are supposed to Protect and Serve all citizens without favor), is that the last thing we need to do under any circumstances, is to stop talking about these problems and make pretend that they do not exist because those who are creating these conditions wants us to.

Because the reason that we have all of these Racial Problems which results in Escalating Violence in America is because we don't have Racial Problems and Escalating Violence in America, according to those who Promote, Practice and Participate in it.

We cannot and won't play that game.

All lives matter.

And that includes the lives of the 2 police officers who were killed by a mentally ill individual whose mental illness was not addressed while he was incarcerated by the Department of Corrections, which is the case with so many people who are incarcerated who are released after their punishment with no attempts at making sure that they are not a Menace to Society once released.

To the families and friends of Officers Liu and Ramos, (those involved in the movement for Positive Purposes), offer our deepest condolences for your lost, and hope that these losses like the losses that occurred before them, will lead to something that makes life better for all of us who live in this country.

And that cannot and will not happen without Open and Honest Discussions on the topics of Racism, Hatred and Greed on behalf of all those involved who want a better country and world.


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