Saturday, December 6, 2014

Judge Jury & Executioner

Too all who believe that this country no longer has deeply rooted demons to slay, I can assure you that is a fantasy. There are still far too many demons alive and well in America, and unfortunately they are permeating our culture, lives and the fabric of our nation causing some very troubling occurrences that have the potential to erupt into a national situation that can destroy our country from within.

These situations are not new.

As a matter of fact, these deadly situations have never ceased to occur in spite of the National Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The reason why these violet attacks are so apparent now is not because Hateful, Racists People, (including those who have infiltrated out Local and National Governments),and obviously the people who are sworn to Protect and Serve us; but they are only more pronounced now due to Modern Technology like Cellphones and other Portable Digital Audio and Visual Recording Devices.

This same Technology has also created a 24 Hour Cable News Cycle that can communicate with the masses around the world in almost split second timing.

So there's been no change of heart.

It's just faster and easier to disseminate information around the country and the world now.

So, many of these Inhumane Violent Acts against People of Color that once remained in the dark are now being brought to the light.

Its sad that I don't have the time, space or memory to name all of the Black People; (Male & Female), (Young & Old) here in this article who have suffered at the hands of police and those who think they are police, but a few names do come to mind: Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

If anyone reading this has been paying attention to what has been going on in this country for the past 6+ Years, then you should not be shocked by what you are witnessing in America as far as African Americans and other Minorities being slaughtered are concerned.

Florida, New York,Ferguson, Cleveland, Phoenix and the list continues to grow on and on.

And guess what! This violence will continue until we as a race of people, we as fair minded human beings, (who by the very definition of being human), makes this type of violence against other human beings unacceptable to us; and until we as a nation stand up together and say NO! to Injustice, Inequality and the Legalized Murder of any human being; these demons will continue to eat us alive like a cancer.

The reason why this violence against Minorities is escalating is because those who are doing these things are emboldened by the behavior of those who are supposed to govern with common sense, concern for American Citizens and concern for human life on a fair and equal basis.

"Followers" follow leaders.

And if you take a look at many of the leaders who are currently working in our government and the way they have been treating "The Most Powerful Man On Earth",the President of the United States, these Racists who have still not accepted the fact that America elected and re elected the First African American President and who cannot accept the fact that their "Lilly White Utopia" is quickly fading away, are so filled with Hatred, Disgust and Racial Bias towards the President that it is spilling out into our cities, counties and country.

And unless you live under a rock or for some physical or mental reason you cannot think, observe and reason; you should probably know that the way that President Obama has been disrespected by those (who have been charged with the responsibility of working with the President to solve as many problems as possible), to make this a better country;their treatment of this president sets an all time high in lows for how a President of the United States of America is disrespected.

So if these Hateful Racists treat the President of the United States of America in this manner and he has Black Skin, then who cannot deduce that all of those who look like him or remind them of him or who support him are Targets for Hateful, Racist Murders By White People in and out of uniform.

Because don't forget that we have Block Watchers, and other White People filled with Hate killing Black people Young and Old, Male and Female as well as other minorities who look the same or similar to us.

When Prosecutors fail to prosecute those who commit these acts of violence towards other Human Beings because of the way that GOD created them; these Racists feel invincible and believe that they can continue to commit these acts of violence with impunity.

And why shouldn't they?

If they can go as long and as far as they have in treating our President like a Piece of Shit instead of the Commander In Chief of the United States of America, while we sit quietly watching and allowing it to continue without the kind of outrage from our community that these Racists deserve, then why should we be shocked and appalled at how emboldened they are to lie about the murder of Eric Garner which we have all seen with our own eyes?

Hell! We got madder over an NBA Team with a Racists Owner who spoke the truth about how he really feels about us in private, (like so many Racists do);but the only thing is, his remarks were made public which started a fire storm of protest from, NBA Officials, NBA Players, NBA Owners and Fans as well as every Media Outlet in the country and many around the world.

But doesn't the treatment of the First African American President who has done nothing different from any other White President before him under the law and in method, to try to keep this country alive, well afloat and "United" deserve just as much outrage, (if not more), than a sports franchise?

Since we have watched Republicans Shut the Government down, call the President a liar, talk about how he stinks, talk about his wife, his children, his parents, been called a Communists, a Nazi, a Socialists, a King, a Dictator and of course, (we all know in our hearts and minds what they call him behind closed doors-don't we?).

And then we turn around in 2014 and repeat the same mistakes that we made in 2010 that gave these Assholes the Majority in Congress again by either mistakenly voting to give these same Idiots more power over our country, or either by giving them votes because of the massive numbers of People of Color, (especially from our communities), who refused to get registered and vote or either were registered but still did not vote.

And though we talk a lot, as a matter of fact, (Too Much), we fail to take the smallest of steps to stop these incidents from occurring repeatedly on a consistent basis before the next one happens-Things like attending community meetings and voting and allowing our voices to be heard through Peaceful Protests, which are the very things that our Fore Parents did to make sure that we had better conditions and opportunities to live, grow and prosper than they did here in this country?

If we really want these murders to stop, then all fair minded individuals from all walks of life and from all races, cultures and religious beliefs need to ban together and take action.

We cannot just continue to Bitch & Moan about how things are; while failing to take the necessary actions to change them for the better.

Now obviously! This is not directed to the many thousands and thousands of people across America from all walks of life who know that until and unless, they take action now, eventually-this violence will come home to roost and will touch their lives or the lives of a loved one or loved ones, as these White Racists, Skin Heads and KKK Members and the Black Uncle Toms who work together with them and hear no evil, see no evil or speak no evil become even more emboldened because not enough people whose lives are at risk, wait for "Someone" to do something.

I am so proud of this country for uniting to fight against a Police State and a Plantation Master's Government, which is the direction that the Rightwing Hate Machine in America has been trying to push us into for as far back as I can remember.

I'm speaking to those who continue to sit back on their asses saying over and over that "Someone has got to do something".

This is just a reminder that, that "Someone Is You".

If you are healthy and can get out in the streets and protest with those who are already there, than please do so.

If not, then just do something! Even if it is no more than teaching our young men and woman about our history in this country and how that history was changed for the better by the same things that the people all over the country are doing in response to all of these Assaults, Rapes, Murders and Random Acts of Violence, "Because I Feared For My Life".

And please be aware of the fact that, either through direct ballot or a failure to cast a vote-these people who are now in control of the House and the Senate, because for some Stupid Ass Reason, we think that Midterm Elections are not important, are the very same people who are sympathetic to this type of Racial Hatred.

As a matter of fact, these are the people who created the laws that are taking away our Right to Vote, our Pensions, our Retirement Benefits, our Employee Benefits, our Wage Increases our Children's Schools, our Children's Lunch Programs, our Democratic Activists Organizations and who created the laws that are allowing far too many Policeman and those who are emboldened by Policeman "Getting Away With Murder", to do so themselves without being punished.

These people are Racists who are looking for an excuse to kill people whom they think are Inferior to them and whom they believe do not have a right to live, (let alone be President of "Their Country").

And we let them because of our Silence and Inaction.

And guess what!

The Racial Hatred in this country especially towards African Americans and towards other Minorities to a slightly lesser degree, is so Deeply Rooted in the DNA of this country as a result of hundreds of years of Systematic White Supremacy and White Privilege, which means that these people will continue to kill more and more people that they hate, until those of us who do not want that, join the movement that is now underway in America to prevent these people from destroying all the progress that people who they once considered, Ignorant, Stupid, Unable to Learn and just plain INFERIOR have made over the past 60 + Years.

And their greatest fear was realized when the First African American President, (Barack Obama)was elected in 2008.

This is what created this new level of Hatred, Racism and Greed among Racists in America who never stopped being Racists, but instead, remained silent while they did their dirt behind the scenes.

What brought them out into Mainstream Society was the election and then re-election of President Obama.

They did not want their children to not continue to believe their teachings about other races of people being inferior to White People, and therefore, a Black Man could never be President of these United States.

These people will never have a change of heart,unless we ban together an rip their hearts out either figuratively or literally.

If you want them stopped, then you have to do your part with thousands of others around the country to stop them.

Please do it now.

We have already given them far too much power, and by now, we should all know just how dangerous and deadly that is.

Lets stop them together using our Individual Creativity and Talents, Strengths, our Will to Live and our refusal to lay down and die, so that they can have what they think is "Their Country" and "Their Country Alone".

Our Fore Parents had it much worst than what we are seeing now.

Certainly we can stop them in their tracks before we become our Fore Parents and live under the same Inhumane and Deplorable Conditions that they had to live under.

But they survived anyway.

And I know that because, we are all here.

If you are currently Apathetic, you need to protect that legacy and stop turning a blind eye, closed heart and dull mind to the realities of Hatred and Racism that exist in this country and get up and get involved before the next tragedy becomes yours.

Thank you,


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